Alien Trio in combat, chaos ensues [Asok]


I've got a request for a group shot. Not sure how often such things are handled, but hopefully someone will be inspired. :)

The setting: Night, on a rocky island, behind a plasteel building

The characters:
- Duro male Force user, average height, armed with a stolen Storm Trooper blaster rifle. He has blue-gray skin, kind yellow eyes. He wears black gloves and aviator goggles on his forehead.
- Twi'lek female noble - lavendar skin, white markings on her headtails, armed with a medpac. She is nobility and looks it, full of charisma and money. She wears her head tails bound behind her head and a hooded cloak.
- Twi'lek female tech spec/scoundrel - turquoise irridescent skin, armed with a blaster pistol jury-rigged from mismatched spare parts. Her headtails swing free. She wears ill-fitting overalls and a utility belt full of techy whatnots.

The scene:
A Duro and two Twi'leks were trying for a stealthy approach to an Empirial bunker, and failed. Spotted by a droid and under fire from a pair of Storm Troopers, they find themselves stuck taking cover behind the very building they were hoping to infiltrate. All three of them are young and fairly inexperienced, and they each react to the crisis in their own way.

The Duro is secretly a Force user, and he is the only one of these three handling the situation calmly as he levitates rocks to fling at the droid to distract it from broadcasting their location. The turquoise Twi'lek techy scoundrel is thrilled at the adventure, and wildly returns fire at the Storm Troopers, MAYBE one shot in ten actually hitting something. The purple Twi'lek noble has never been in a firefight before, and the knowledge that she may need to use her medpac on someone soon is the only thing keeping her from coming completely unglued.

It's a very dangerous, but also very funny scene - clearly these three should never, ever be sent out for sneaky missions. It just results in chaos!

Thanks in advance to anyone who considers this request!!!


Just a question, is the Twi'lek female tech spec/scoundrel, the same character as the one I claimed? Just curious...

Sounds like a cool group!


Indeed! That is Nyssa and her compatriots, bringing their own Three Stooges flavor to the Rebel Alliance.

Evan Black

Y'know what? I'm claiming this, but I'd like to hold off until I've seen what Drig's got, just so I can be consistent with Nyssa...


Hello out there!

Looks like Evan has left the guild. Alas!

Is there any way we can move this thread back to the open requests? I'd still really love to see it done, if anyone is interested.
