Hehe, nice hybrid between the TIE and the Jedi fighter. I have to ask you how you go about drawing these? They're so detailed and well rendered. It looks almost as if you use vectors some of the time - they're so perfect :P
That's one Great fighter,but it just doesn't fit like the one we see in Betrayal,now how about some "constructive" criticism?
Yes,ETA-5 is regarded as a descendant of the Eta-2 but its more of a mix between an A-wing and and a TIE,it's shaped like an A-WIng but it has the scream and engines of a TIE
You wrote that Sienar Fleet Systems created this fighter,i swear it any SW fan would guess the same but actually,Kuat Drive Yards made it.
If only you had a bit more information on this in the first place maybe this could've turned out better
Hehe, nice hybrid between the TIE and the Jedi fighter. I have to ask you how you go about drawing these? They're so detailed and well rendered. It looks almost as if you use vectors some of the time - they're so perfect :P
Thanks CucumberBoy,
Yes indeed, the ETA-5 is described as something of a mix between these two:
Great work Drone.
Do you have any plans to do the Aleph class Starfighter? It would go nicely with the other two ships you have done from Legacy of the Force: Betrayal.
That's one Great fighter,but it just doesn't fit like the one we see in Betrayal,now how about some "constructive" criticism?
Yes,ETA-5 is regarded as a descendant of the Eta-2 but its more of a mix between an A-wing and and a TIE,it's shaped like an A-WIng but it has the scream and engines of a TIE
You wrote that Sienar Fleet Systems created this fighter,i swear it any SW fan would guess the same but actually,Kuat Drive Yards made it.
If only you had a bit more information on this in the first place maybe this could've turned out better
Still,that's one heck of a fighter!