Hi everyone,
I am still extremely busy at work. Still, this afternoon I did this quick speed painting (speed painting = equal or less than two hours). Unfortunately, no time for more. Still, I thought I'd share it with you :)
Have a nice day,
F'n' SWEET! I love the concept at work here!
Way freaking cool. Good to have new stuff from Drone!
I think everyone I know now has a link to your gallery. You make me look smart buy sugjesting it. This is very well done, and conveys the star wars feel greatly.
Wow! This is speed work?! Damn that's good!
Nice composition and depth of field; I like the way the Star Destroyer - being farther away - is slightly blurred/not as detailed*. I'm trying to remember what it's called... something about "distance" and "detail..."
Anyhoo. I gotta ask... what planet is it? :)
*="Textural diffusion". That's what it's called. ;) Though in this case "aerial diffusion" would also be acceptable.
"When will then be now?"
great painting, and in 2 hours? wow very nice. great lighting and just the theme of the picture is great.
8 ties vs rebel base... hmm i pick rebel base haha.
cant wait to see more from you.
Nice composition and depth of field; I like the way the Star Destroyer - being farther away - is slightly blurred/not as detailed*. I'm trying to remember what it's called... something about "distance" and "detail..."
Depth of Field, actually ;)
The human eye does it, so does camera lenses.
Core to the Quad baby!!!
If your going to complement me, don't tell me my work is neat, cool or awesome. If you really like it, tell me why you like it and what you like about it. Only then I'll take it as a complement.
Exactly! Thanks, TNJadeonar! :D
Still, "aerial diffusion" is also correct, in fact, regarding the effect on the more-distant Star Destroyer. Check out Bruce Block's "The Visual Story", a rather good book on picture composition, if you don't believe me. Though now I'm just being snotty. :P
"When will then be now?"