Member since: 2009That's what Umbra Tendrassa is made of!
Umbra is about four years old, a Human/Twi'lek hybrid with light grey skin, blue eyes, mid-length lekku...and a untidy mess of long curly black hair. Stockily built, she combines her Twi'lek mother's cunning and craftiness with her Human father's resourcefulness. She is rarely seen without her favorite stuffed bantha, which has seen much love from this young lady.
I would like to see her in something roughly equivalent to "play clothes"...nothing too frilly and nothing pink please!
This is my RP character's daughter, a snapshot taken on a quick visit back to Ryloth, something a proud mama can show her friends. If you have any questions or would like to know more about the bratling, please feel free to PM me. Thanks in advance for considering my request!
well sounds intersting but could you give some more details, so she has lekku and hair. got any reference for that. is there hair on her lekku. also what kind of ears does she have, human or the twilek kind.
considering this but need some details.
Don't know why but "is there hair on her lekku" sounds dirty...
I don't understand what you mean by a reference for hair and lekku...but her lekku are hairless, her hair grows around them. She and her Twi'lek mom both have normal human ears. In addition to the toy bantha, one of her uncles has recently taught her how to use a holdout blaster (the tiny ones) so she might have that somewhere as well. Thanks for considering my request!
i was mostly wondering if you might have had a picture of one since i have never seen a human/twilek before.
ok did some sketches and i think i got it figured out how to do hair and lekku. so I'll take it.
did some work on the pic and figured i would give a update. keep in mind that this is a WIP.
picture quality sucks cause i used my camera phone.
She looks adorable! Can't wait to see more.
oh hey sorry about the lack of updates i have been really busy with college lately. i should have some free time to work on the pic this weekend.
Please don't stress about it! Real life, especially education, is always most important. Whenever you get around to it will be fine. Thank you again for taking the request.
hopefully it should be done in about a week or so.
Looking forward to it!
So...just curious...any progress at all?
here it is. took forever but its done.