Jacen Fel - Imperial Knight

Here is my first foray into the world of Star Wars Legacy, a character requested by one TD1545 in this thread. One hopes that Mr. 1545 is happy with this piece, which I did in a rush, instead of taking my sweet time. Media:Painter classic, bubblegum and bailing wire.

Evan Black

I for one think it's awesome! The sharp attention to detail on the lightsaber in contrast to the "rush" of the rest really makes it stand out.


Woah, I didn't even notice this was yours until I read the artist signature. It doesn't look like your usual style, but instead of looking rushed, I'd rather say that it looks extremely great, I really like your new style.

The background looks neat, too... are you using Painter for the textures?


Member since: 2007
Kangar, Malaysia