SWAG Bullpen


A place for SWAG Members to relax and chat





Continuity problems for Terminator Salvation

I just saw this movie, and as a long time Terminator fan, I enjoyed the movie greatly, but a few little details bothered me.

1. In Salvation, the young Kyle Reese says that humans stay hidden at night, and do any moving during the day, since the machines use infrared they can see humans better at night.


By my count, I've hit the 50 request mark! That's right! I've completed over 50 requests for SWAG - 18 from the pre-hiatus era (plus 1 collaboration with Drig), and 32 during this new SWAG era! (plus a couple private requests during the hiatus)... And there's another one in the queue, and one in the works! Whew!

Suddenly I feel tired... :P


Hey fellow swaggers;

I've recently left the army, and have been hired by the Ontario Provincial Police. I'm doing several months of law enforcement training for my role as constable. New career on the horizon!


Okay, so I've learned my lesson!

After the debacle of 'Nagai Noble' I have decided to take a lesson and shut the hell up when it comes to the LOW quality of some of the requests being posted lately.
And after the freakin awesome update to the 'Request Guidelines' page by Drig I thought we'd be plain sailing...
But then I see this and I put my head in my hands once more.


So, anybody else ever browse through their gallery and just wanna hurl?
I recently (five minutes ago) went looking at my old stuff to see if I had anything worth using for submission purposes.
What the flaming HARK was I thinking?!
Please, if my current stuff is that horrendous just let me know so I can enroll in carwash school or something.


I have been away, I know. But dry those tears. I will shortly be posting new pics in my gallery again. I can hardly wait for the abuse to start, let me tell ya.
First, though, let me explain where I've been the last five (5) years or so.
It all started when I got divorced. I spiralled downward into a pit of emotional and financial ruin.
Things looked bleak. Oh, bleak indeed.
I had several adventures that lead me down the path of self discovery.
I discovered I was drunk alot.
Then I met a girl.


Hello everyone, I'm Katy and I'm new to SWAG. I'm having trouble posting a couple of drawings I scanned. When I go to the "Upload Pictures" page I enter all the information and find the correct picture to upload, but when I go to preview it, the picture doesn't show up, just the text. Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?



I had an idea for SWAG. Maybe we can have a good natured competition of Star Wars Fan-Fiction. We pick a theme and give two months for a short story. The best fiction will automatically get a rendition of the story done by an artist on the site. The best three will be saved in a section of SWAG to read. Some thoughts though, keep it PG-13, smaller stories (no 200 page novels here... yikes), and Star Wars related.

What do you guys think? Too much work, or a fun endeavor?


Ug, it has been a long time. I would like to first say sorry for my sudden long absence. Been a few changes around my area of Texas that needed my attention. First off, I'm a proud dad of a healthy boy named Hazard (family name if you can believe it). I've bought my first house and starting up my own RPG Publishing company called Destiny Games Publishing. Like I said, busy.

Now that things are more settled and I have time again, I plan on working myself back into the flow. I hope you guys have all been well.


So, Xam hasn't confirmed my findings yet, but based upon my own tests of the new settings the bullpen appears to be secure once again. No telling how long it's been this way, but it was a mistake on my part and easily fixed. It was also a little obscure. Anyway, all good now I think. My apologies SWAGgers.



I noticed recently a few members postings here in the Bullpen that I didn't realise were Guld Members. I assume they're Members since I thought access was restricted to this forum (unless there's a loophole). My point is, I suddenly realised have no idea who Guild members are anymore, since we have new members joining all the time (it seems) and since they're not always announced it's difficult to keep track of who is and who isn't a guild member.


Hey guys,

Is it just me or is every image you want to have a look at grow to super sized proportion when you click on it.

I like to see an image as one whole, without having to scroll up and down to catch it all.

I realize that the thumbnails are the whole image on one page, but can't there be a happy medium? The views of images given in the blogs is a perfect size!


For the last 3 requests I have completed I have had absolutely no response from the people who originally requested them. Now, this doesn't bother me too much, I enjoy doing requests because it gives me the opportunity to work to a brief, gives my imagination a work-out and sometimes gives me some new portfolio-worthy material. However, when I hear nothing back from the requester, I can't really know if I got it right or if they are happy with what I produced. It'd be nice just to know that they've seen it.


On the old SWAG, there was a bit at the bottom of every submitted image about the medium used to create the image. I really miss that. It gave a tiny insight into other artists' techniques, and I often find myself asking the question these days: how did you make that?


I know it's not our job here to criticize characters...which is why i'm saying it here in the bullpen rather than in the request thread.

Check out this request:


Holy crap buddy. I had a player in my game who was this kind of guy. He always wanted to push it just a little further, and couldn't understand when I wanted to reel his ideas in a bit. "But it doesn't have to be realistic...its Star Wars!".

yeah, its star wars...but it still has to be internally logical. And this request just seems over the top.


Hey everyone!
I'm looking for some fellow SWAGers who want to collaborate with me. Specifically, I was looking to do the pencils and someone to color. I know I can draw decently, but coloring is still in the early phase. Maybe someone here prefers coloring instead of line-work? If so, please feel free to shoot me a message and we can work on something.


Hey all,
I'm pretty new here and I appreciate all the support I recieve from you. I have a question regarding our galleries/blogs. I often sketch away with pencil on paper and every once in a while something pops out that looks cool, imo. I was wondering if I could post some of these sketches?
Thanks again!



I'm about to prep an image to upload (to complete a request) and was wondering if there are limits to how big it can be -- ie: width, height, etc. I half-remember there was a limit (was it 700 pixels wide x 1400 tall?) back in the old days because anything over that would break the site's layout. Is this still true?

I'm looking at an 800px wide x 500px tall image right now -- which seems to be optimal for the piece, but I could, of course, reduce it.

Thanks, folks.

- Ghost


Hey SWAGgers!

I'm not sure this hasnt been mentioned before but still i'd like to adress it.

When looking in the forum, it's really annoying to have to go up and hit the forum sign again or use the backbutton...

If for instance i'm in this part (SWAG bullpen) and i want to go out to the forum index again i wanna have an arrow down below so that i can click it and then be there, and then if i wanned to click the community discussion, pick a subject read that and click the arrow to go back to the community discussions again or if i click it again to the indexpage.


After visiting this site now a couple of times each day since it was in pre release beta I have come to some conclutions on some changes that should be done to improve the site. I am hoping to get some feedback to my ideas as I havnt really talked to anyone about them until now (i think).


To have working WIP blogs we should have the ability to add pictures to them even in subsequent posts. Else they wont really work... Or perhaps I am thinking of this blog thing all wrong? (never tried blogging before).

I still had my edit option available so I just did Like this in my blog.

But the blog entry isnt updated on the frontpage.

I thought this would be a way to follow the progress of a piece from start to finish... but... well...


Hiya fellow SWAGgers!

Wouldnt it be a good idea to have a seachbar for quicksearches right on the frontpage on this site, so that one didnt have to go through so many menues just to find a chathar male for instance...?

Just a suggestion, but i would want it myself, perhaps right underneith the most recent entries or so, just above the googleads...

//Your friendly neighbourhood Shadow


I had a question about the pending and finished request area. Would you like some of us to move the request forum topics into the pending and completed request area, or is that something that you would prefere to do. Also, if a forum topic were moved, would that cause all of the comments to get left behind? Just a question to make things a little bit of a lighter load for you.


So the other day, Kewbe, one of the members (Not a GUILD member, thank god) makes a comment on one of my pieces. (I responded in the comment section, and then blogged it, and will reprint here for simplicity.)

"I don’t know this pic bothers me its like so much time was taken on the body and the face looks fake. In fact I could swear I have seen the face and body separate before. Anyway it would be neat to see this pic redone with more attention to the face and particularly the eyes."

Now, somebody tell me what this guy is trying to say?


So... swag's back, and I KNOW that I've been moving fast in all sorts of ways. I want everyone to understand that I'm trying to do my best with what swag is and that's a big task and a big responsibility. I want SWAG to grow, I want SWAG to prosper. This means that we need to grow. This is my opinion, and what follows are my ideas for making that happen. I think we can't deny that swag will grow, and we need to decide when and how.


Error Message:

ImageMagick reported an error: Output file write error --- out of disk space?
Unable to create scaled thumbnail image

First I thought It was due to me looking at my own images looking to edit them, but it seems to be on others images as well. You need to be looking at an image to get the error message. Could this be due to some problems in moving the site... Maybe a component of ImageMagick is missing? Is the script reppering to the correct host?