

Member since: 2007
Remus, Michigan USA

So here I sit, lamenting my fate: I hate my job. That simple.
Then it occurs to me: 90% of my SWAG brothers and sisters must surely hate thier jobs, too.
Then it further occurs to me: The wealth of talent here, while amazing on an individual level, is NOTHING compared to the pooled talent of the SWAG community.
What, thus far, has been stopping us from working together in this field that we all so love?
We have fabulous pencillers, amazing inkers, breath-taking colourists, clever writers.
Why is this crew not teaming up to make our own source books, RPGs, comics, and such?
I have three comics I've been trying to put together for as many years, but I can't get beyond the rough pencil stage before I freak out at the sheer scope of the undertaking. Certainly there are others here in similiar hard places, being assaulted by similiar rocks.

Speak up!!
We have nearly unlimited access to each other here.
Why not use it?
Why not do what we love?

Rally, SWAG!



I'm down like a clown. I've also got pet projects that will probably never get completed, for similar reasons. I bet we all do.

Let's DO IT!



Not a day goes by that I don't count myself EXCEPTIONALLY fortunate in that I absolutely adore my job; I always wish that it was the same for everybody.

My biggest problem with following through on 'pet projects' is the fact that I find myself immobilised by the concept of 'not enough time!!!'. I want to try and get a bit of everything done on any given day... and that always seems to get in the way of me ever actually finishing anything. Bleh. :P

I can't promise the greatest level of focus; my mind, like my life, is ALL OVER THE PLACE ALL THE TIME! Buuuuu~uuuut, in the name of people doing what they love, by the power of the awesomeness of group enthusiasm and collaboration- heck yeah! In any capacity I actually have to contribute, count me in.


Tusserk, I used to work in a zoo. It was, without question, the best job ever. It also paid Jack and Squat, sadly:(

Okay, kids, here's what I'm looking for (and I encourage anybody else to post needs for their projects here as well):
I have a Sci-Fi, action, adventure comic that I need inks and colours for.

A fantasy comic in the venue of DnD/Masters of the Universe that needs everything, pencils-colours.

And a classic super-hero comic (with a slight twist) that also needs a whole art department.

Anybody interested in any of these can PM me with your e-mail address and I'll send some sample material.

My hope is to get any of these projects done enough to at least take to a comic-con and show around. At LEAST....


So as long as we're throwing these around... I've been dabbling in animation for a while (though admittedly I haven't gotten very far). And anyways, I've got a pet project I've wanted to get off the ground for a while. It's a sci-fi/action limited animation cartoon (like old Hanna-Barbara cartoons, think Johnny Quest or He-Man).
If anybody knows about this sort of thing, I could really use a good animation software, something that will let me animate frames and do cell-type animation (by overlaying different parts of each frame and manipulating them individually).
And if anyone is down to help, I would gladly accept! I am especially in need of background art, since I'm rather deficient!



I've done my share of voice over work, Asok, but that's about all I have to offer in that field. I've tried animation and epic failed over...and over...and over...


All I can say, Asok, is... use something better than Windows Movie Maker!! XD

I once tried to search for some animation software myself, but all I ended up concluding was that I was going to need to fork out a lot of money to have something that did what I wanted! And then, I'd be paying for a lot of stuff I didn't NEED. If you have better luck in your searches, I'd love to know!

(That said, I COULD just try asking my big brother. Who actually IS, y'know, an animator. But he's overseas and barely even answers the phone, let alone emails!!)

STILL, I'd consider helping out with background stuff, perhaps! Or other stuffs. Or anything.


Y'know, Asok, I did get a copy of anime studio a while back. I was gonna try and learn to do animation. I never go around to it, but it was cheap and fairly idiot-proof. It might be a good starting point. I also hear that Adobe AfterEffects is not too shabby.


I have two friends (brothers) who come from an auctioneering family, and they got me a copy of anime studio for cheap, but I really don't like it. It just isn't built to do what I want - more traditional, cell-type, key-frame animation.

If you want to help Tuss, that would be super-sweet! This is still in its incipient stages, though, so we might need to give it a little time to grow.

Actually, if you guys want to get in on the concepting or writing, drop me a pm. I'll give you what I've got so far. I would love input on this!



I would love to help in any way I can, brother.
The was a time when I used to get paid for writing sketch comedy.
I wrote stuff.
People laughed.
I got gas money.


If there is an intrest, I will lend a hand to any project that asks. I will MAKE time to assist. The whole thing changes with the posability of extra income. But even then I would more than likely help for free....I always give away what I draw... just a thing I quess.


This is such an awesome idea!

I, too, have projects I have promised to work on - in particular a comic book I promised to do with my Mum. Somehow it turns out I promised to draw, ink, colour, write & letter the thing.
I haven't done more than 1 page - and that I wasn't happy with.

I wish I had more time...


I love the idea, I'm just slow as a Hutt when it comes to finishing work. I will withhold my eagerness to work on something until I've seen more people on board. (I'm scarred of taking too much work lol..)


Well, Mercy, if I can help in any way let me know. I already owe you BIG time for that thing with that thing that time. You know the one.
And let's not forget that other thing that other time.
I think it was that may have been some other thing.....


My buddy wants to take all the rules to our usual RPG we made and put them together in a handbook form. It's a cross between Star Wars, Firefly, and Cowboy Bebop. If he actually gets around to it he'll be lookin' for art, so stay tuned for updates.


I had a thought the other day... a fun new project to potentially never work on, lol. ASOK'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY! Sort of Teryl Whitlatch's Wildlife Guide crossed with Ben Burt's Galactic Phrase Book and Travel Guide. I could do sections on planets, wildlife, technology, history, etc, all from the perspective of a curious, wanderlusting outlaw alien. That could be fun...



I've been playing Lord of the Rings RPG lately, and I've fallen in love with Decipher's CODA game system!

So I've decided to create my own fantasy setting (and maybe some supplemental rules) to use with the basic ruleset. Anybody who's down to help out, either with art or ideas, is welcome!
