Featured criteria


Member since: 2007
Ontario, Canada

Is there a criteria artwork is judged that I am unaware of?

It's recently occurred to me, while pointing a friend to the site that I have apparently never produced anything worthy of being a 'Featured Artwork'.

I want to know what I have to improve or change to gain this coveted position for one of my art works.

seriously. I'm not pouting. I'm asking.


I've often wondered too. I think the only criteria is if it wows Kris. I know I have one piece of featured art, but Kris was really explicit about the fact that it was featured because it was the first upload onto the new site. So as far as regular features go, I really have no idea what Kris is looking for. I would think it would be nice to recognize artists who go above and beyond the call of duty for a request, or who really stretch themselves artistically, but I do feel there have been a lot of good submissions that should have been featured (for those reasons) and weren't.



Heck! I was featured artist once upon a time, so I seriously doubt there are any criteria in the 'quality' department. Hah! I think Nafai just felt a swell of pity and pasted some of my pics on the front page.
Ah, I still remember my interview..
...wait....no I don't.
Stiff upper lip, old bean!!


I have to say, now that I've got a featured piece, I'm only more confused about the criteria!
