Featured Art


Member since: 2007
New Jersey, United States

I think we should regularize the featured art, and make more of an event of it. I think it would be cool to select a piece once a week - say on Sunday. So every Sunday, a new piece goes up in the featured slot. That way, every piece gets the same amount of time, and it'll give us an event to look forward to.


If it's a slow week, we can put an older piece from the galleries in the slot. There are a lot of great pieces in the archives that I'm sure don't get a lot of attention. But to that end, I think it would be nice to vary the artists too, and use that space to highlight SWAG's diversity.


Just some thoughts, let me know what you guys think.


...I think that's an awesome idea. I pretty much have nothing to add except that I agree 100%!


Right now, the way it's been working, Eclipse or I will see a piece that is just very nice and we click "Feature" on the image.  Eclipse made it so easy to do that we both have been doing it with the images that are outstanding.  Despite how long it's been up.  I agree that we need a set time period for each piece, but that's up to Eclipse :)


Maybe we could have a thread in the Bullpen where artists can nominate a piece for the week, and we can get some consensus. And if no one chimes in, we'll leave it to your discretion.


So my reservations here are two fold:

  1. Time is always at a premium. When I end up on the front page and go "hey, cool... Featured" that's a bit of an event in my month.
  2. Community involvement on some sort of schedule is... helter skelter at best.

​From other attempts at this sort of thing (Guild Council) I can tell you that getting responses in a timely fashion is hard because we all have lives. I'm not saying that I'm not open to giving guild members more ownership over the site, I totally am. If that's what you're asking for, I'd be fine with opening up the ability to feature new content a bit. Xan and I can discuss that if it sounds like something you all want and see where we land, but attempting to put a schedule to stuff sounds like an effort in futility to me. I'm bad with schedules, I dunno about you all, but I can definitely quantify my own experience with them, and it's not good. :-D

Anyway, all that to say that I'm super open to giving you all more ownership over the site. I want this to be OUR place. Talk amongst yourselves. I'll check the thread more regularly and see how it's evolving. :-)



This is why I added a stipulation that if there isn't any input, that we should defer to you and Xan to make your own judgments, just like you've been doing up to now.


Mostly I just think it would be nice to feature other artists/works, especially older or less well-known pieces.


Well, what if I gave you the ability to do that? You obviously have an idea of stuff you'd like to see promoted out of the older content, and I'm definitely on board with that idea. I'm really not up for any sort of schedule, but the rest of what you're asking for seems generally ++
