came back *waves


It's been about 2 years since I last visited and contributed to this fine establishment. I'm really happy to see so many familiar faces and some new ones! So on coming back, I have a couple of questions:

Can I delete a file I just uploaded? I just realized I didn't add my signature to the pic
Can I delete older blog pieces, you know, the ones that stink?



To add a new blog, click the link at the top of the page that says "New Blog". To update an old blog post with new content, visit the blog post and click "Edit". Same goes for your image - if you want to swap it out, just wait til it gets to the front page (or maybe find it in your history) and click "Edit". Then you can change the source image. As for deleting old blog posts, I'm not sure how that works, or if we can do it.



... Hi!!

I believe I fall under the category of 'new ones'. ;) I can't really add any useful information to this that hasn't already been said by Asok, so I'll just say... YOU DREW A TRANDOSHAN IN STORMIE ARMOUR. This warms my heart.


Thanks ASok!
Tusserk, I'm so glad to warm your heart! ha, that pic is one I'd love to delete and redo, I was never completely happy about it. BUT, if you like it then I'll leave it up there. :D


Delete and Redo?? That was the best piece EVER! I LOVED that piece!




But, y'know. If you feel the pressing need to have another go at it, I certainly won't complain so long as I get to keep enjoying the original in the meantime! ;)