Approving images


Member since: 2007
Wichita KS USA

Okay guy's.. Eclipse has been approving/disapproving all images for as long as I know... Now that he's allowed me to do so, I really haven't had any questions about any of the images thus far.

Aenid31 has submitted a very cute picture of a character of Derfs. My only problem is that it shows her butt crack, and I'm not sure if it would break the rules of SWAG.

What do all you artists think?... I could call Eclipse but I figure as a committee you guy's would know...

And if Eclipse happens to read this, then he can save me a headache by just deciding :)


I say it's fine. It's just a little crack, right? I don't think that's a big deal.



Yeah, I don't think that would be too big a deal, especially if it's not blatantly the focus of the piece or anything.

And even if Eclipse doesn't get the chance to see it soon, and you decide to put it up... surely it wouldn't be a drama if Eclipse were to decide later down the track 'whooaa yeah, sorry guys, too much, I'd rather it not be up on SWAG'. Right?


I dont mind yet still I think back to my Twi'lek. In a bikini it was denied because you could tell it was a thong from the side. Just saying.


I was always told - compare to Leia's slave-girl outfit. If it isn't more showy than that, you're fine.


don't think I saw any of leia's butt crack... but it's cool Eclipse is the one who published it.. so we're good :)


I have no idea what you're talking about ... **whistles innocently**

Derf, Dred ... same ammount of letters, same begining leter, both have D e and r in them... give me a break.


It's like "North" and "South", or "East" and "West"! Bane of my existence as a person with glasses trying to find proper freeway on-ramps...



You mean "Daz and I!" Right drig :)

I can keep them straight, Just let my fingers type what they wanted :)


I'm not the best when it comes to grammar. Most of my friends consider me to have a decent charisma score in real life too. Not sure how that works.


Actually, Drig was right in this case. Xan is hyper-correcting. I don't want to make a big deal of it, but case licensing is really my thing.



Actually I'd really love to know why one is correct over the other, ahaha. Feel free to make a big deal at me, Asok!


According to "proper" English, saying Me and you is not polite. Thus you always write ... You and I.. putting yourself in second place, and me is never a correct pronoun when refering to yourself and someone else.

He's right, it's hyper-correcting... But proper :)


First off, there isn't really a "proper" English. So this isn't really an issue of correctness in the conventional sense. Xan is allowed to say whatever he wants, but I did want to point out why I wouldn't say it.

Drig said: "Use to be worse with me and Daz".

The verb "to be" is a strange animal. In modern usage, it can typically license an accusative, which wasn't always true. ("I'm not him. He's not me." In both, the verb "to be" licenses an accusative: him, me.)

In this sentence, "to be" dominates "worse with me and Daz", which is not a constituent that can take case in English (an AP). "Worse", in turn, dominates "with me and Daz", and "with" dominates the coordinated constituents "me" and "Daz". "Worse" won't assign case, because it (arguably) isn't a VP. "With" in English typically assigns accusative case, a feature typical of PPs, especially in European languages.

In older grammars (and in some modern conceptions), those coordinated elements would be considered Dative, because they are not part of the internal argument of the verb.

To test it, try saying: "It was worse with X."
Can you say: "It was worse with I."? I doubt it.

So this isn't a question of correctness, per se, but of internal consistency. It would be strange to assign accusative case when the element appears alone, but to apply a different case if it's coordinated.

Sorry for the admittedly poor explanation.


Evan Black

I'd like to voice opposition to posting the image with the butt crack, but I'm clearly outvoted. If you think it's questionable to the point where you have to ask others, then it's likely not appropriate.

As far as grammar goes, saying "me and X" is wrong and always replacing it with "X and I" is hypercorrection, as Asok pointed out. There are times when "X and me" is more correct than "X and I". The easiest way to remember what's correct is to simply remove the X from the sentence. "Use to be worse with me and Daz!" Turns into "Use to be worse Daz and ___!" and if you remove the X, "Daz," you have "Use to be worse with ___!" which should correctly be completed by saying, "me." So, reinsert the X, and you have, "Use to be worse with Daz and me!"


Welcome back Evan... and since Eclipse put the image up... we were all out voted regardless :)