Mysterious Jedi [dredwulf60]

Hello everyone!

As the title of this thread says, I have a request for an introduction picture for a character of mine based in the Star Wars: The Old Republic time period of the Star Wars timeline.

My character is a Human male, an exiled Jedi at the age of about thirty to fourty years old, reaching the later parts of his life.

I had this idea in my head of him standing in a slightly lit stone corridor which floor is covered in sand, reminding of the interior of some ancient ruin of sorts. Sun rays through a cracked opening in the ceiling being what lights the small area. Perhaps the angle of the picture could be near the floor, looking up at him while he's looking right at you.

Covered in robes reminding of simple Jedi clothing, but worn and torn by years of exposure to harsh elements. I'd like the robes to conceal all of him, with only the hood showing any of his face that is partially lit by the stream of light right behind him.

I'm not certain if his light saber should be shown at all, since he's not a character that's focused around fighting to any greater extent. For the moment I think I'd preffer it to simply be attached to his waist, barely visible with only a slight metallic shimmering in the darkness. Should the artist wish to have it drawn in detail, it is a double-bladed light saber of silvery color.

His face, which I'd preffer being barely visible above nose-level with the small glimmering of eyes, is rather unshaved. His hair wouldn't be visible to any real extent due to the hood I suppose, perhaps some on his forehead.

Now, the main part that I wanted to get to! I'd really want to have the picture contain a sense of unknown and haunting. It's as if the man standing there is weighed down by something as he's all alone with barely any light to guide him through the darkness. His face's expression would be serious and contemplative, as if trying to see some path to take. He has seen terrible things with nothing to comfort him.

Keep in mind, my wishes are open to change. In the end, I will trust that your experience and better understanding of the creation of such art forms makes you able to know how to do it. Feel free to add suggestions of your own!

At the risk of appearing picky with things, I'd want the picture to be as realistic and detailled as possible. I understand that such work would take a lot of time, but I'm willing to wait for as long as I'm required. Again, I'll be open to suggestions.

For those that want to know more about the character:


I'm currently unsure about how much about his backstory that should be revealed through the profile, a rather important element about him is that he's unknown. I'll surely add more information as he journeys through the galaxy, but I feel that the interest in him would fade should I just tell of his darkest secrets in a public profile. That's something for you to explore on your own as you interact with him.

If you are reffering to more recent history I could probably add that. The profile's newly made and fresh. I have barely even started. If you think a more elaborate description of his plot would help you become inspired I'd be happy to provide assistance!



I decided to change the age of the character, as you can see I'm still on rather early concept levels. The image should picture him at around the age of thrity to forty instead.

I'll be sure not to make these kinds of reckless decisions in the future!


Oh my goodness! Thank you for making this, I won't have to worry about my profile feeling half-empty now!