Inex Jonn and The Luminous Three [Asok]

Hello, SWAGgers!

I wanted to put out the call to you, regarding some characters who are getting pretty important in our Tapestry campaign! This request is a bit strange, as it involves four people. Now, the actual request doesn't need to involve everyone, but all four are so intrinsically linked, that it's easier to just describe them all!

Inex Jonn:
Inex is a Sakiyan (, a 'classic sci-fi' alien with shiny black skin, a bald head, pointy ears, and a wise but mischievous gleam in his eye. He is short, cultured, refined, well dressed, charismatic... and utterly untrustworthy. Above board, he's the manager of The Luminous Three, a stunning trio of identical human dancers with whom he travels from port to port. Below board, he's one of the most respected assassins in his quadrant of the galaxy.

The Luminous Three:
Veah, Amra, and Celeste, The Luminous Three, are identical human women in their mid-20s. They have long, luxurious blonde hair, shapely bodies, and are gifted dancers. They are also (completely unbeknownst to them) clones, and expert hand-to-hand killers. Inex Jonn 'acquired' them some months ago and began touring them as dancers throughout the galaxy, all the while employing them to assassinate his marks for him.

The girls, sadly, have no idea what they are doing. Believing they are going on 'dates' that Inex has arranged for them, The Luminous Three murder their marks, according to built-in 'sleeper' programming, and by the same programming, forget the entire event. In terms of personality, they are unfailingly cheerful, friendly, optimistic, and heartbreakingly naive.

Here's a scene involving one of them, with Inex:


Inex Jonn's quarters aboard the Skalen II were dim at the moment, lit only by a small bedside lamp. The Sakiyan himself rested in his modest bunk, propped up against the gray wall, reading a datapad. At the bed's foot, the case given him by Inspector Tazen lay unopened. 

The door chimed, interrupting his study of the datapad. Inex set the device to one side, folding his fingers across his middle. "Come in."

The steel door opened, and there stood one of The Luminous Three, breathtaking in the dimness. "Inex? It's Veah."

"Come in, my child."

The woman entered, the door sealing behind her. "If it's alright, I'd like to talk with you... about Prefect Arnon."

Inex smiled warmly. "What would you like to know?"

"Well," Veah began politely, unsure how to proceed, "this woman who's travelling with us, Ms. Arterjenson, she believes that he may have died."

Inex smiled sympathetically, and patted his cot. "Come sit."

Veah obeyed, coming to rest on the side of the bed, looking at the alien expectantly.

"It's true," Inex informed her gently. "Prefect Arnon was killed, possibly right after your date with him."

"I see," Veah replied, looking almost sad. Almost. "Still," she went on, "It's good that, in his short life, he had a perfect service record. Not a blemish, there!"

"That's right," Inex agreed, "His life is to be celebrated."


Inex studied her. "Is there something more, my dear?"

The blonde beauty thought a moment. "Inex," she began, struggling with what she wanted to say. "I don't remember part of my date with the Prefect. I remember dinner, and then we went to visit the gardens, but... after that, I only remember returning to the ship."

Inex smiled at her warmly, taking one of her hands in his own. "Memory is fickle, my dear," he told her, "and, dare I say it, frivolous. Do not concern yourself with the past... enjoy the present, the future!"

Veah smiled back at him. "You're right, of course," she agreed. "You're the wisest person I know, Inex. We all thank you for taking care of us."

Inex patted her hand gently, nodding in gratitude. 

Veah looked thoughtful. "It's funny. It just never seems to work out with any of the people you arrange for me to meet. Or for Amra or Celeste, for that matter!"

"It's true," Inex agreed.

"But that's good, too," Veah volunteered. "It may mean that the perfect man is still to come, in the future!"

Inex nodded, smiling widely. "That's the spirit!"

Veah rose, moving to the chamber's doorway. "Thank you so much for speaking with me, Inex. I always feel so much better after our talks."

"Me, too."

Inex watched the door swish closed behind the stunning beauty, and lay silent a moment. Then he powered down his datapad, clicked off the bedside lamp, rolled over, and went to sleep.


Now, I know there are four characters here, and the recommended limit is three. But since three of them look exactly the same, I wasn't sure how to proceed! Also, I know that a four-character portrait might present some compositional problems. However, if this request catches anyone's fancy, I'll say that an illustration of The Luminous Three by themselves, or Inex Jonn by himself, would be absolutely brilliant. At the heart of it all, it's about whatever you would like to do!

Thank you for reading this epic post, and I hope you will take it! :)

I. J. Thompson

Holy moly - thank you, Asok!

I'll be here for any questions you may have! :)

I. J. Thompson

Hey Asok, just checking in!

I just noticed that you've got nine active requests on the go right now (some much older than mine), so I thought I'd 'thin out' my request a bit: if you wanted to just do the Sakiyan Inex Jonn by himself, I'd be cool with that... I can appreciate that you must be swamped.

Anyway, thanks for taking my request! :)


Dun't be scurred! Technically, yours is the only request I got pending right now. The others are finished - they just haven't been sorted yet. Or maybe I just totally forgot about them. :P
