Ewok from a (slightly) more advanced world... [Tusserk]


Member since: 2007
Prescott, AZ

Dee is a female Ewok, originally born on Endor, she hopped a freighter at an early age, hellbent on making her way to the core worlds, determined to study medicine on a technologically advanced world, at very least somewhere more advanced than Endor! Unfortunately for Dee her mistake was made, tossing her lot in with a dishonest, and cruel, pirate leader kept her from achieving all of which she should have been capable. Once her morality began to annoy the crew, she was abandoned on the nearest inhabited planet, after talking the captain out of spacing her. The planet was a forest world, not unlike the Endor she had known, and yes their technology was slightly more advanced than Endor's, but only by a small margin. The inhabitants of this world, a near-human species abandoned here generations before, were just learning the metallurgical arts and this was hurling the planet into a transitional period of war, famine, and disease. Dee was the only one of her species on planet, she was both revered and marginalized because of her knowledge of the outside universe and because of her medical knowledge.

After saving the chieftain of an (in relation to others on the planet at least) advanced warrior culture, she was gifted with a set of armor built to their highest standard, and a scalpel made to her specifications. She spent many years on this world, and even after later being rescued from the planet, she continued wearing her armor and carrying her scalpel, despite later obtaining much better equipment.

So here is the vital information:

Dee is 20 years old, she is short even for an Ewok at .76 meters tall. Her fur is black, with a silvery white patch at her belly and her eyes are green.

She should be depicted wearing her armor, please...

Her armor is made up of three pieces:

First she wears a bronze helm, not unlike helms from the bronze age, like this only with holes for her Ewok ears...

Secondly she wears a large wicker shield, once again akin to bronze age wicker shields, not unlike this (bottom right) only circular, and with a crimson colored skirt hanging down from the bottom of shield...

Lastly she wears a wooden scale armor, much like this, only lacquered crimson, and with the binding being bronze rings...

Aside from this armor, she carries an archaic scalpel, like this, with an ivory handle and a bronze blade...

Aside from these details the only thing I'd really like, is to see her set against a backdrop not unlike Endor...

The rest is all up to you!

Thanks, and I look forward, as always to seeing this one!


Muahaha! Ambiguity strikes again!! ;) Thanks Xan.

Not that I'm terribly fussed with how folks refer to me, either way. It's all good!


I, in fact, knew Tusserk is female... I just call everyone man... And by the way, Tuss, I have to say, I would have been happy that my request got picked up by any artist at all, but not to be a brown-noser, but wholly honestly, you're art style is PERFECT for Dee! Sorry for the ambiguity of generalized slang, and my use of it... And seriously, thanks!


Don't be sorry at all! At least not to me. ;) I'm not the sort of woman that'll get cranky if you refer to me as man. Or dude. Or buddy. Or mate. :D In fact, I have a tremendous preference to those over 'darl' or 'hun', heh.

And I must say I'm a little chuffed to hear you think I'm the right person for the job! I'm also quite the fan of ancient history and re-enactment and I just couldn't NOT pick this one up. I've got a long weekend coming up, hopefully I can get cracking through some artses!!