SWAG Early History


Member since: 2007
Kangar, Malaysia

You wont find this on the History Channel:

I was looking at my old posts on the Holonet when I came across these threads. The earliest discussions pertaining to the creation of the Star Wars Artists' Guild. They provide some insight as to the how and why SWAG came into being.

Star Wars RPG Artists' Guild


SWAG Artists Unite!

And as a historical bonus, here are some outstanding artwork from a poster named "Grey Area" who never joined SWAG, but went on to illustrate some awesome books.


Wow... I remember when Drig first stumbled onto SWAG, when it first incarnated as an actual, separate website. I don't remember how he found it - maybe he was browsing SWRPG network or summet - but we were hooked from the start. I think that was July 2002? Wow.



Dude, you were one of my earliest requests.

Time flies when you're having funk, eh?


That is some fascinating reading. Now if some one would have suggested have the artist picture in their profile...lol


If you want artist avatars I'm cool with doing that. I'll put it on the list for the upgrade.



I was one of those that typed star wars art in google and found a piture of a jedi that I thought was pretty nifty. It was linked to SWAG and from then I had my mind blown.. I swore fealty to the almighty Baron and had his wife draw me my first request of the Drig and Asok had his first request taken of the Asok by Hish. It's amazing how strong this website is and how it's gone through several passings of SWAGGERS, many even going on to bigger and better art professions. It's weird to be so actively involved in a website where very few of it's original members remain and many others have grown up here and find it as home. Here's to 8 more SWAG years! Hopefully things will only get brighter and brighter.

And rest in peace Dibs the SWAG monkey...
And Keep on SWAGGIN'!


I remember the old days, when we made requests through the SWRPG Holonet itself...I think my first 2 requests got done that way, actually. Also remember it feeling like Nafai was attacking me just about every time I posted anything. >.<

SWAG has come a long ways since then, and while I'm no artist (couldn't draw a stick man to save my life), I'm glad to have been here with everyone to see it go from simple threads on the Holonet to it's own site, still going strong all these years later, and hopefully, going strong for many years to come.


Somehow, I think ReverendStrone's birth date is wrong...

it says Nov 30th of 1999 ... that makes him 9 years old... ((Scratches head)) don't think that's right. if it is, he's probably working for some huge company right now with that kind of talent at 9 years of age.


Both Reverend Strone and Gray Area are Kiwis, and not just they work together, but they played the same Star Wars d20 campaign together. Funny story: Gray Area joined the Holonet without telling the good Rev who he was, but the Rev suspected because of his artwork.


Speaking of Rev, Xan, he does work for a big company called Weta, last I heard, and he did a fair amount of concept art for the Lord of the Rings movies. Drig and I bought the concept art book, so we have proof.



I do sometimes wonder if there are only really a few thousand people in this country and they just lie about the numbers...

I. J. Thompson

Understand, Mercy, that I'm so desperately trying to refrain from asking you if you know Bret and Jemaine from 'Flight of the Conchords'. The fact that Bret himself was in 'The Lord of the Rings' doesn't help matters.

I've really gotta get down there and see your beautiful country for myself! :)


Ha ha!! That's so funny!

As it happens, I haven't even seen more than 1 of their episodes. Nor have I watched more than the first film of the LotR trilogy...
I think I should have my Kiwi card revoked...


Wow, I really have been out of the loop a long time. This thread made me finally make a post (that and the fact that I saw a post from I.J., who I completed my very first request for so long ago... EDIT: pre-SWAG actually, now that I revisit the history). Nice to see SWAG is still breathing and amassing fine SW art. Kris, you've done a fine job reinventing this place. And hi to all my old pals.

Used to go by Shadowdeep. Now just Pete.


Pete! Been a while. Where you been, man? Any new stuff you been up to?

Your Shadowdeep login should still be on here, btw.


Hiya Hish! =)

I'm sticking with just Pete. I dropped the old Shadowdeep thing across the spectrum. Haven't done any art for several years now. Just a working stiff again.


Yeah. I mourned when I realized your Shadowdeep.com galleries was gone for good. Hope you stick around for a bit. We have cake.


Dude, I know I wasn't around when you were producing, but you're still up in the member galleries!

P.S. Asok.
Nope, ain't seen 'The World's Fastest Indian' either... Man, I suck. I understand Sir Anthony Hopkins does a very passable South Island accent though!
Also, keep meaning to see 'Black Sheep' which, I'm told, is very funny.

Yep, that Kiwi card is gone, huh?

I. J. Thompson

Oh my god... Pete/Shadowdeep? It is a pleasure to see (read?) you again, sir! You know, your painting of 'The Battle of Derilyn' is hanging on my little boy's bedroom wall as we speak!

You're not illustrating anymore? This must change. You know, Rodney (Moridin/King of the HoloNet) Thompson is the head honcho for Star Wars at WotC now... just sayin'... ;)


I sense a great disturbance in the swag, as if hundreds of former swag members all arrived at once and sketched...


@ Hish: Har dee har! ;) Ever see either of them around the internets?

@ IJ: Nice to see you. I'm really glad the painting continues to earn its keep. And Rodney is the big Ewok chief now, huh? I'm glad he's had things work out well. Nice to hear success stories.

@ Drig: Heh. Kinda feels like an old folks reunion. I wonder who else will show up.


I catch up with Derek once in awhile when he's on AIM and I'm on Gmail. Chris not so much, except in e-mails.



Technical stuff first:

your old shadowdeep login still works, you should be able to take it back over and change the user name. If you can't change the user name, I'd happily change it for you. :-)

Derek and Chris are still "around" but not SWAG so much... I think they both just got REALLY burnt out, and while I'm glad I could take over and continue the madness, it's sad to me that we don't ever really see them anymore.

I just started a dialog with Bob last week, just sort of saying "hi". Maybe he'll grace us with his presence :-)

At any rate, it's great to see you around again man. I tried to contact you when the site went back up, but I think I failed, so I'm glad to see you found us again. :-) Sorry to hear you aren't doing art anymore. That's really rough, but I get it.

Good to see you again man, I hope you can stick around!



Hi Kris,

Good to see you. Thanks for the info. Sorry to hear Chris and Derek are still so far removed, but hey, I've been the same, so I can't fault that. Would be fun to reconnect with some more of the old gang again though.

I'll keep the login switch in mind if I decide I want to realign myself with that profile, name-change or otherwise. I have really mixed feelings about my previous art period, so right now I'm just content to prowl the forum as-is. =)



Also, Pete, Judas is around but not so regularly thanks to a not-so-regular internet connection. But he has a thread over at the Bullpen.


The Bullpen Pete can't see since he's not logging in with his old account :-)

Seriously Pete, we're totally just happy to have you back around. Take your time, and if you feel like contributing some art again for whatever purpose, please do, otherwise, I'm sure some of the other artists around here would love your advice about their own art. :-)

I hear the "mixed feelings", just remember there's no commitment here, you can do it just for you, if that appeals. :-)



I'd forgotten about the Bullpen. I might switch profiles anyway just to get the access back. =)


Amen eclipse. I have always put pete up into one of my fav artist here. The characters are well thought out, well drawn and believable. This is no stress artwork...it's what its supposed to be...no boundaries. Not only would your opinion be wanted and appreciated your art would be a great thing to see again. Just my 2 cents really

I have ADOS..Attention Deficit...OOOH Shiny


I know its almost like a bump, but reading all those posts again brought up some exciting memories for me :) Good times. It even renews my excitment of the project!
Haha and just remembering my signature I guess I just have to start using it again :) It was a good one.
Its awesome to see some of the original guys here still. Would love to catch up with folks including Moridin, Bob, Rev, Ghost and co to see what wonderous work theyve been up to. Much Kudos to eclipse for picking up on the admin side of things, theyre were big boots to fill and youve filled them well :)

Anything I can do let me know, I'll just work through these old requests for now :)

"Many Bothans died to bring you this post"