

Member since: 2007
Wichita KS USA

I felt a need to say something about the request forum on the board, since it seems many don't know what it's purpose is.

Just because you post something in the request forum is not a guarentee that it will be done. The only way to make sure that you get something done is to offer an artist money to do it.

The request forum here is a place for the artists who love Star Wars to go and get inspiration and draw up characters and things for the people who inspire them. It's a wonderful thing they do for us.

Why am I posting this?

Because I think that a lot of people are expecting their request to be done immediately, and when it isn't they seem to get downhearted about it. Then they start to bump their posts in an effort to try and get someone to take their requests.

If you need something made for an PnP RPG that you are doing, I suggest making it yourself ((even if you've requested it))... It won't matter if it's good or not, since the idea behind a pnp is to use your immagination... Then if you do get your request taken, then you'll be able to say... "Here's what it really looks like" and hear all the oohhh's.. and ahhh's that you want to hear.

Be kind to the artists here, they do wonderful work for no pay... Respect them by making requests, and then leaving the request alone, until it's taken ((Or if need be, edit your original post.))

SWAG has been around a long time, and had to close down for a long time because of people expecting requests to be done, despite whether or not the artists were inspired to do it. Don't wear down the artists with an attitude of, "You should do my work because I requested it" ... Let them know that you like their work, let them know what you like about their work... Make yourself known around here... And maybe they'll take notice of your requests and be inspired by them... but don't expect every request to be taken and done in a timely manner, because they are doing them in their spare time, which today it is hard to come by "spare" time...

Sorry for the rant, but I felt it had to be said.


Ok Xan, you are on my X-mas card list this year ( if I had one) You seem to give more support than you get.


'eh.. I don't need support... I'm not a starving artist :) ... I just think that people get to caught up on "I wants" without realizing that they are asking for something for nothing, and in a LOT of cases getting it. I believe in being appreciative of what we get, not asking for more than what's offered...


Xan did you ever go by the name Nibs at some point on SWAG, or were you ever a monkey in a former life?

Seriously though man, your like the SWAG secretary! It's like we should be paying you for keeping track of every comment! Please keep up the good work!

For all the people out there requesting, I know I'm glad that you are all enthusiastic about the site! As an artist though, it's hard to get stuff out sometimes fast enough to keep up with the requests. I've actually, truthfully had dreams of finishing every request on SWAG and making that area empty. While we as Artist would love to see that happen, it most likely will not. I love to produce the best quality work I can on this site for anyone that asks and to do that it takes time. If I reeeeally wanted to I could focus for two weeks and spit out 5 pics a night in black and white in poor quality but it would hurt to not give people my best. That said, if a requester desires something for an RPG session in a couple days and don't care about quality or shelling out some bucks, they could privately contact many of our artists to do Private Requests. Many of us do that and are usually honored to be singled out. Please do not let two artist complete one request for you seeing as to how it could be awkward for both artist to post the same concept and to not take up time of many of our artists. Also patience is a virtue. Many of our artist do leave SWAG for a while due to personal circumstances and eventually return, often checking over older requests all the way to the oldest ones for ones that grab them.

Another area to focus on is, how can I make my request appeal to the artists? What one artist finds lame, another could fall in love with. Many debates have raged about this very topic and there are no hard rules to follow, other than, what would make you, the requester, want to create your request? Again, patience is a virtue.

Many artists and others on the site are passionate about the concept of this site and are extremely interested in making it truly successful. That said if anyone out there has any real concerns, questions, or anything else, please private message me and I will try and help you, or Eclipse will as well(he has a lot on his plate keeping the site running, so preferably ask one of the council).

That said, Please, remember we are a free service and most importantly,

Keep on Swaggin'!


I know I'm one of those in and out guys. Inbetween my start up RPG company, 19 month son and future daughter on the way, my time is precious. I always try to find time to do requests when I can though cause I know it's important to the requesters and the artists here. I would not have advanced as far as I have in my skill without this place giving me a chance cause I wouldn't of had the motivation (though I still have a long way to go).

Anyhow, it takes time to do good work and some of us are faster than others but they will get done, just have a little faith :)


My suggestion to people who absolutely need artwork for their RPGs THIS WEEK!!! Immediately!! Tomorrow Night!!!

Do what I do - head on over to DeviantArt! is a great resource! Do a search for whatever you're looking for, find something close, and go with it! Let the images shape your descriptions! Remember, not everything in your campaign has to be EXACTLY as you imagined it. Let's face it, sometimes our best ideas only appeal to ourselves.

So if you are a GM in desperate need of Star Wars artwork immediately - head on over to deviantart or other general art site (or browse through our galleries!) and find some interesting pictures. Whether they are what you imagined or not, I'm sure many could benefit from such versatile resources!



Good post.

A few years ago, I did a lot of images here on SWAG, but while some of the requesters were really cool, there were some who didn't even take the time for a "thank you" after I spent many hours of my precious free time creating their characters for free.

It took a lot of the fun out of it when it seemed like people weren't appreciating the effort. Plus, people started paying me for my commissions, so with that taking up my free time, I had no free time to do free art.

SWAG's a good site, and the artists who fulfill requests are great people. The requesters should really appreciate their efforts.


Xan, you really do rock, man!
I know I really appreciate all the work you do keeping the requesters honest (and reminding those grumpy bumpers to have some patience!)

I, too, have had the dream of getting the request forum down to a single page - and I also know it won't happen. Still, it's nice to dream...

~ Mercy