An Open Letter to those considering becoming a Guild Artist.


Member since: 2007
Ontario, Canada

As one of the council members charged with the task of evaluating hopeful applicants to join the ranks of the SWAG artists, I feel compelled to pass on this tidbit to those thinking of applying.

Note that this is my independent opinion/observation, and does not NECESSARILY reflect the opinions of the other members of the council.

I'd like to draw attention to the whole "I did these a long time ago...and I know they aren't that great..." attitude.

I know we SWAGGERS aren't (generally) a pretentious snobby sort, and we aren't saving the world or curing cancer here, but I like to think I 'belong' to something that is at least a little exclusive. Something that not just anyone who can put chicken scratch to paper can join up with.

If you are going to apply to join this organization, I would think you'd want to put your very best work forward for evaluation. If an applicant has something that even they admit isn't very good, why did they bother?

Why not take the extra time to do a current image, that shows their true talent?

To do otherwise tells me the applicant is thinking:

"Huh...SWAG eh? I have done a couple drawings before. This should be good enough, and if not, oh well. I didn't want to join up anyway if it required any effort."

Thanks for reading.


And now, you are going to get someone who will submit some kind of work.. and put...

I know these aren't very good, but I just wanted to really tick off Dredwulf60 :) ..


I agree.. the artists around here who are approved, for the most part, are top notch. It should stay that way.


Heh. I'm not ticked off Xan, and the words in quotations are pretty much what some applicants have wrote when submitting their stuff.

The above message is really meant as constructive advice for applicants who really, truly want to join the Guild.

After all, it really doesn't really tick me off per se when people don't bother to put forth any effort into the application, because it takes even less effort on a council member's part to type the word 'No' in the voting slot.



LOL... Sorry, wasn't trying to imply you were ticked... was just joking :)

But I do understand where you are comming from...


We do get that a lot. I remember when I applied (three different times, for I was rejected twice), I drew all my submissions up from scratch to hopefully impress the council (especially Baron Bob - he was a hard critic!). So I expect the same kind of commitment from new applicants.



Yeah I got rejected once for bad scans, (something we are not so tough on anymore) the older council was a LOT tougher haha... I agree, we have accepted a lot of people with little interest in SWAG. It's okay in the end though.