My Absence


Member since: 2007
New Jersey, United States

Hey guys, I'm so sorry I haven't been here in months. Life has been crazy, and awesome!

I moved across the country, started my PhD in linguistics, and now I teach entry-level linguistics classes to freshman while doing my graduate coursework. It's AWESOME.

Anyways, I had to leave my PC at home in California, which turned out to be a MAJOR handicap. So I had it shipped out here, but then it wouldn't work... Long story short, I got a new CPU and months later I'm back in business! I have EIGHT weeks of vacation right now, so I plan on drawing!

I'm really sorry I haven't been around, and I plan to remedy that. Let's catch up!



As is eight weeks of vacation featuring a great deal of intended drawing. WANNA DO A TRADE?


Having no computer is the height suckiness! I've been forced to use my phone. It took twenty minutes just to type this.