It's the Year We Make Contact!


Member since: 2007
Kangar, Malaysia

It's 0950 hours. January 1st, 2010.

Happy New Year, everyone. My resolution will be the same as last year's: 1280 by 800 pixels.


my resolution was to promise myself a good 2nd half of the school year keep somes these good grades up.


Hold on to your horses, fizzyglug. I'm still working on the monolith's von Neumann replication subroutines. Happy January Jones the 2nd, eyeryone!!!

Lord Crumb

I hope 2010 will be a good year. Oh, by the way the grays aren't really gray. Their light blue in color.

Kia kaha


Here's to hoping the new year brings good luck, sexy alien women, and fembots.



"Here's to hoping the new year brings good luck, sexy alien women, and fembots."


"and plenty of muscle-bound alien eye candy in various shades for the geek girls, too!"

No problem! Will do!

Core to the Quad baby!!!

If your going to complement me, don't tell me my work is neat, cool or awesome. If you really like it, tell me why you like it and what you like about it. Only then I'll take it as a complement.


New years resolution, hop back on the artists bandwagon, Swag being a big part of that! Yay for me

"Many Bothans died to bring you this post"


Mine's to take my degree and portfolio to the men who make the games we love this Gen Con. =}

And to get rid of my gremlin problem