I'm new! (but awesome!)


Member since: 2009
Sydney, Australia.


Im new! Im a looong time SW artist, but never bothered to upload any of it here. Now im bored, so why not!

How exactly does the Guild Application thing work? How long does it take? Is it an accepted/not accepted type deal?
If so, how will I know if im accepted...

ya know, i need the run down.

help me Swag-forum your my only hope.


Well, the Guild application process goes thusly... You pick three or four original Star Wars-related pieces of art (original characters only, any medium) and submit them (there should be a page somewhere with the Guild application on it...). Then the Guild Council gauges your artwork for possible membership in the SWAG fold. We gauge creativity, style, skill and... moxie. More or less. Then Eclipse sends you an email telling you if you've been accepted or not, and if not, why. This whole process could take as little as a week or as long as a month. It depends mostly on how long we deliberate (and how often we sign on!).
So fret not Syro! If an artist is what you want to be, submit your application! You really have no good reason not to!



I also am new here. I tend to go into deep lurk while I scope out the community - don't want to tread on any toes, that kind of thing - but I felt I had to break surface just this once.

I am mightily impressed by the quality of artwork here. There's a level of enthusiasm and professionalism that is really breathtaking. I hope I can live up to it.

I've been uploading old artwork, most of which hasn't seen the light of day in nearly thirty years. It may even shame me into doing some new stuff*.


Aerospace engineer.

Role-Play gamer (the old pencil, paper and lots of dice style RPG) - currently running a campaign set approximately five hours after the Battle of Geonosis, with PCs that include a Jedi general, a Clone Trooper officer, a Scoundrel, a Gonk droid and a Protocol Droid, plus a cast of several hundred NPCs, most of whom are battle droids.

Dog person by nature but currently in the service of 6 cats.

Favourite SW version: This is very difficult. If held at the point of a light sabre, I'd have to say "Empire Strikes Back", then "A New Hope", though all of the feature films have a lot going for them. Tartakovsky's Clone Wwars animation was superb, the Clone Wars film and TV Series are also good, especially the character development (Clone Troopers are so cool - I want to be a clone trooper when I grow up). And a bit surprised how dark the series is, especially as it's being treated as a kid's cartoon on UK television - Asajj Ventress and Aurra Sing are particularly dark, to the point of shooting wounded/helpless characters. Hope we can get to see the rest of it before somebody decides it's Bad For The Kids and should be banned.

Other artistic endeavours: Writing and GMing RPG scenarios (SW and others), building gaming scenery, props and models, converting and repainting miniatures. Some people try to write the Great American Novel - I'd be satisfied with the Great Small-Unit Miniatures Combat Rules System.

Regards, and looking forward to some happy times here,


*...but then you lot are good. So very good.


Welcome sfgameruk! glad to see you've joined our little playground! I'll be interested to see some of that new stuff you're talking about. Most of the artist here are tabletop gamers it seems lol. Must be that the jump from drawing for our own personal gaming group to the interweb is an easy one. :P Welcome!