I love english cheddar cheese


Member since: 2007
New Jersey, United States

This forum is to test the theory that we can attract banner ads by talking about things. Henceforth, we shall discuss cheddar cheese and our love of it.

Let me kick off the experiment by saying, By Jove I Just Love English Cheddar Cheese. Huzzah!


Cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese please.



I'm not much into cheddar. I prefer a good white cheese...like a Gouda, Gruyerre, or Camembert.

But really, cheese is just good. Period.

As a side note about kraft cheese: Kraft is owned by Philip Morris...think about it.



Phil Morris? The guy who played J'onn J'onzz in Smallville, Vandal Savage in JLU, King Faraday in Justice League: New Frontiers and Imperiex in Legion of Super-Heroes?!?!?!

Awesome dude!!!!!



In all truth, I actually prefer white cheeses too. Provolone, Swiss, Mozzarella... mmmm... cheese....



I keep getting an ad for a site called Ecollo. I'm not sure what it is - the eco-friendly website? Certainly not cheesy.



Anyone noticed that although the banner ads aren't showing anything cheese related (yet), the Google text Ads next to the banners are showing lots of Cheese related links?
I'm seeing links for Ricotta Cheese, Cream Cheese icing, Vegan Cheese, Cheese Sandwich and Belgian Cheese. No Cheddar though.


Isn't all Cheddar Cheese technically english? That's where the name comes from. Kind of like how all champaigne is French, because that's where it comes from.


Ontop of Ol' Smokey,
All covered with Cheese.
I lost my poor meatball,
When- Hisham You Sneak!!!

*heavy Italian accent* Get back here with my cheesy meat'a-ball'a!!! */accent*

Core to the Quad baby!!!


I think the brooklin pork store is as close as we're gonna get. all the ggogle ads are for cheese though.


Fondue!!! Swiss Cheese Fondue!!! Fondue!!!

Core to the Quad baby!!!

If your going to complement me, don't tell me my work is neat, cool or awesome. If you really like it, tell me why you like it and what you like about it. Only then I'll take it as a complement.


CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is good!

Lord Crumb

Swiss cheese on a Reuben with Rye bread. I love Swiss. Swiss Cheese. Swiss Miss Chocolate. Swiss army knifes. Swiss Women...Oh, sorry about that I'm thinkin of Jamie Lee Curtis when she was in Trading Places.


Ford Flex? I mean come on... It's a crossover ..yeah, but with cheese? UNlimited imformation look-up capability and cant get some good ol' cheese ads. Man needs his cheese y'all

Lord Crumb

Cheese...Cheese...Cheese...Cheese... I had forgotten about this post until I came across it. Lets her it all kinds of cheese.

-LC :-)