How many members of SWAG have used a prexisting image for a character?


Member since: 2007
Reedley, CA

I had a thought, as an artists of SWAG, I'm sure many of us here have wondered if any have played a character based off of one of the images they found allready existing on SWAG? If so, who's the character and what image did you use? I'd love to here of your creations!

I once played a character based of Reverend Strones picture -
in a Tatooine campaign, where I played a Clawdite, Big Game Hunter and master survivalist. He saved the group once by throwing hunks of meat at hungry Anoobas that were hunting the group at night while the rest of the group pushed a disabled speeder to safety! I can't remember the name I gave him for some reason.. I'm sure Asok does and he'd slap me upside the head if he could.. :P

How 'bout you?


I've used plenty as inspiration for my characters and dozens upon dozens for NPCs. Often I won't have pre-made NPCs for every conceivable turn of events, so I turn to my library of SWAG character images that I've nabbed over the years and voila! Instant NPC! I think SWAG is one of the greatest GM resources that exists!
