Hey all!

Just thought I'd say hello to everyone. I've been using this site for a couple months and finally decided to join up. Just want to thank all the artists on here too, your pictures help a great deal with the Star Wars RPG I run with some of my friends. They really help them get an idea of characters in the game, thanks!


Hey sloop. If you use any of mine for your game, drop me a line and let me know. I'm always curious how my drawings get used and who my pictures become in other people's worlds. :)


That goes for all of us! I think we all like to know when our stuff gets used.


Evan Black

Indeed. Informing an artist of his work's use is in no way required or enforced (except in examples of egregious abuse), but it's considered good form to do so. As dredwulf60 and Asok have said, artists like to know when their work is found useful and inspiring.