Has the Flannelled One lost it?

Just saw this on Karen Traviss' blog (a link from the front page of Wookieepedia)

"When I was finishing 501st in January this year, I was told about a significant continuity change coming up in the Clone Wars cartoon. (As was mentioned and shown in a couple of books that came out in the summer - this is not confidential information of any kind now.) I was told that the Mandalorians were being revamped as long-standing pacifists who'd given up fighting centuries ago and that Mandalore was now a post-apocalyptic wasteland devastated by war. I was told not to refer to (recent) Mandalorian history because of that, as it was obviously at odds with the old continuity in my novels. That's fairly common procedure for any franchise - but unfortunately it wasn't that simple in practice. The two Commando series - and quite a few older books and comics, come to that -were based entirely on that original history, and basic logic meant that the fundamental plot of the series could never have existed if this had been a pacifist society. Neither could any of the characters or their motives have existed, because they were wholly based on a global warrior culture living on a non-nuked Mandalore."



I think I am going to cry.


I suppose it's inevitable. They nerf everything that isn't a Jedi, eventually. After all, if a bunch of non-Force using warriors were able to teach Jaina how to take down a Sith Lord, they could concievably take down the Jedi....again. Can't have that now, can we?


Sorry, but this actually has me pretty mad.


BOBA FETT: No! Mandalore is peaceful. We have no weapons. You can't possibly...
TARKIN: You would prefer another target? A military target? Then name the system!
        I grow tired of asking this. So it'll be the last time. Where is the Rebel base?
BOBA FETT: (softly) Alderaan. They're on Alderaan.


I don't know why, but I hate Mandalorians. I sort of always have. I love Boba Fett, like a good Star Wars nerd, but I can't stand the stupid Mandalorians. I'm glad they're being emasculated. It should make them more interesting.



O Lucas, who art in flannel,
Hallowed be thy canon.
Our will be done, our Mandos come
from Mandalore as from Kamino.

Give us our beloved anti-heroes
and forgive us our angry outbursts as we
forgave you for Ahsoka and JarJar.

Lead us not to a dead Mandalore,
and deliver us from retcons,
for thine is the name, the franchise,
and the royalties, amen.

(edited because my stupid phone wouldn't let me put the whole thing together the way I wanted to. Yes, I know it's horrible, but it was on my 9:30 break and I hadn't had my coffee yet.)

Lord Crumb

I just received the 501st novel to day from Books-A-Million. I look forward to reading it and seeing what happens myself. I have not read the Commando novels, so I have no previous XP with them.

Kia kaha


NOOOO!!!! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!! I can't believe, I never liked Traviss and am glad she's gone but doing this to the Mandos?! I hope their just a splinter group of the real Mandos.


I did so more searching and it sounds like it may be possible that they are a different group known as the New Mandalorians and are led by Duchess Satine. *Hopes*


Sadly all great EU star wars fiction has something to do with the mandolorians and now George Lucas has finally done something to mess up the entire continuing story line of the entire star wars saga... How sad... Well looks like another moment where the fans will have to ignore George Lucas Canon....

Not to mention there's an entire MMORPG coming out with mandolorians being one of the key players lol...


"How sad... Well looks like another moment where the fans will have to ignore George Lucas Canon...."

Ah, that's no problem. I've been ignoring everything like that for years. What? C-3PO as Vader's droid? And so was R2-D2? Nope, never happened.



Boba Fett was Journeyman Protector Jaster Mereel? If it weren't a mention in for Star Wars Insider, no one'd remember Fenn Shysa and Tobi Dalla from Marvel Comics. As far as I'm concerned, the current interpretation of Mandalorians is already a huge retcon.


Yes. Yet you don't hear Archie Goodwin, David Michelinie, Jo Duffy, et al complain about being retconned. Props to those guys.