Darth and Droids Webcomic


Member since: 2007
Kangar, Malaysia

Please, if you have any time at all to spare, check out the Darth and Droids webcomic which is a look at the Star Wars movies as if it's one big RPG campaign refereed by a GM... along with snarky remarks, derailed campaign, players who'd been playing D&D too long, and a player's little sister tagging along and playing Jar Jar.

It's freaking hilarious.


OK, seriously, I wasted a good couple hours reading this, it's fantastically funny, and I'm pretty sure I've played this exact campaign. Nice find Hish!



Oh my gosh, that is so cool! I love the guy playing Qui-Gon. This is hilarious!



did anyone notice that in episode 82 when you put you pointer over the strip you can see the people playing the characters? were there any I missed?


According to the commentary text which comes after the strip, they announced that LFL's sent them a cease-and-desist letter forbidding them to use screen caps of the movie, so they'd switched to acting out the rest of the movie themselves. It was on April 1st.


Oh it still showed clips from the movies, it's just when you pass over it it showed the same scenes with reg guys and props. I didn't notice it after 82 though.


Oh yeah. It currently tells you to mouseover the strip to see the alternate April Fool's strip. On that day, presumably the joke strip was the only one posted.


Fair use pretty much lets these guys use screen caps this way best as I can tell... but I'm no lawyer. Still, seems a stupid thing for lfl to complain about.



NB. They were never actually contacted by LFL that was just part of the April Fools Joke. Link to Episode 82

The thing that amazes me about that strip is how closely they managed to mirror the screencaps; not only matching the postions of the actors but also the background details - The spoon as the Naboo ship and the car behind Obi-Wan doubling as the interior of the ship. Very clever!