Corporate Sector Fan RPG Guide Artwork/Cover

Over on the Wizard's forums (, I've been working on a Fan made Corporate Sector RPG Guide.

I was wondering if someone or someone(s) out there would be interested in sprucing up the soon to be in production pdf with some artwork?

I'm particularly looking for something of a cover... Han, the Falcon, Chewie (with the Corporate Sector Admiral's hat at a rakish angle), Stars' End, Gallandro. Some sort of melding of the above elements. I'm certainly open to other inclusions/replacements.

Otherwise... there is a list (in the "Spoiler" area) in post #1 of everything we're including... so if there's anything in there that spins someone's wheels (or that there is a picture of that they'd like to include), let me know.



This is better off in the Community Discussion forum, rather than here. You may also think about asking for peoples permission to use some of the work they've already done.
Hope they get done.


Hey, I meant to ask Eclipse about this before - but aren't we supposed to steer clear of the canon characters? I guess it'd be discretionary, to a certain extent, but I had always understood that we weren't meant to cause of copyright issues and LucasArts nailing us to the wall.

No offense, Drig, you know I love your work!! I'm just curious about the rules...


Yeah! Thanks for coming to the rescue, Bwa!

I know I had seen a comment about this somewhere...
I think it was to keep us free of LucasArt's Lawyers, wasn't it?


It technically is fan art. I'm not selling it or claiming the characters are mine. No problems here. We usually discourage requests of canonical characters that way we don't have 40 General Grievous pictures on a Star Wars RPG art website. We stick to SWAGS purpose. Theres plenty of other places to find Grievous pics. With this request, I can see any harm in it. It for an RPG source book which SWAG is famous for its contributions. Also it covers characters that are not usually depicted in an art form. Just my two cents. Also in my gallery I have a pic of Darth Plagueis someone requested. He hasn't been really conceptualized and someone wanted him for a game so I went for it. No problems. Kind of case by case but someone requesting Darth Vader on Kashyyk probably won't get their work done. Unless the request is I want my character dueling vader, etc...

Hope that answers some questions.