Ajax Naktaros

A request from CJskywalker.

My first request image, so let me know what you think.
I'll post the background image of Corillia too as it took me a while working on it.


I like your style. It really fits a RPG character. The Corellia image is ok, as long as you are refering to your sources, which you are, so that is fine. Personally I dont think the planet gives the image something extra though... I would have been just as good without.


Nice job man, I like your style as well. Pretty cool design on his clothing, and I like the green tones... any CorSec/Corran Horn influence? :P


then congrats on the first request then, and as the rest say, a good job it is!

With that said i have to agree on the fact that your style is cool aswell, clean stylish and playful...


//Shadows are but the shape of light...


Yeah, I've updated it a bit with an original backdrop. I'm quite pleased I did, as it has given me a chance to try something a bit new. I think it fits the style better too...

Cheers for all the great feedback - I hope Mr CJskywalker likes it too.


Member since: 2007