Are these types of requests allowed?

So I haven't found many rules on this so I thought I'd ask. Here's my situation, over the next few years myself and others will be branching off and forming an independent film production company. Where we'll be doing plenty of clientele work but also making our own personal and fan made work. Amongst this is a lot of SWTOR base material (Short and Feature length Live Action). Seeing as Bioware has only released a handful of concept art, We'll need more. This is where my big question is. Would I be allowed to make request threads in regards of concept art for our Star Wars Film Projects? Giving a basic/rough outline on what I'm looking for (Characters, Weapons, Vehicles, etc...) and then having multiple members work on their own designs. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


I think the first big question is; do you intend to make money out of your star wars based work? If so, you're probably best off seeking out other means, a) because we don't want to get on the wrong side of the company that owns the stuff that inspires us, and b) we're basically a bunch of rpg lovers who volunteer our time for the rpg community; if you want concept work done for specific projects, you aught to look into what you can afford to pay concept designers (even amateurs!) and possibly contact artists you're interested in directly!

I spend a lot of time in swtor myself, and if you're just a group making short films for the fun and love of it all, you can probably find people here willing to offer some creativity your way! But if there's even a whiff of $$ involved, gotta tread carefully.


What Tuss said.  As long as you're not making $$ off of SW or the art created, I'm pretty sure you cn request whatever you want, for whatever reason. 


What Tuss and Judas said. As long as you aren't doing it to make money, request what you want. I might make note though, with Disney owning Star Wars now, you may want to thread lightly just because they seem to go after people for no reason. Sometimes.


Yes, posting twice is annoying lol. Disney and Lucas Films encourges fan films. I've seen many crowd funding campigns for them. The big issue... is that these films will be very professionally done and will satisy a huge portion of the community. Which will paint a target on our backs.