Member since: 2017Forums
I am new to this site. I've been looking for a Star Wars site much like this one since deviantart has left me jaded. Also Deviantart is...I don't want to knock on the site, I just didn't feel it was the best place for me. I wish I have some art to share, although I do have one piece, but it was taken by a camera and it isn't even that good. I am not very confident as an artist. Perhaps, someday, I will post here but for now, I'll just hang around here and get to know some of you. Kinda like an introduction of sorts.
Welcome to SWAG.. unfortunately, due to find technical glitches over the last year or so, the site has slowed down a lot. However, the are always people coming back to visit.
Enjoy the site, browse then the huge gallery and enjoy.
I still check back here maybe once every week or two, just to see what's what.
Hey there!
I still check in often, but I've slowed down a great deal art-wise mostly thanks to a broken arm and this ridiculous recovery period, hah. Returning to work and having bucketloads of physiotherapy to do has me more worn out than I'd ever accounted for and a massive amount of newfound respect for anyone who ever has to deal with lifelong chronic pain of any sort.
I'm not involved in any serious campaigns at the moment but the characters in our last home game are still very much inspiration-material to me and Star Wars definitely hangs onto a huge chunk of my heart! Are you involved in any tabletop?
No. Tabletop is far too technical and I doubt I am good at it, but it does look like alot of fun. I am still trying to learn the basics of Tabletop. It is a complex systen and can be far too technical. Your character depends on the roll of the dice. Your score depends on the characters' actions. Free form is alot more flexible for me. But who is to say that I can't try something new?
Its fine. Me and another Star Wars started our own game privately. I am sorry to hear about your arm, though. I hope you get better soon.
Aw crud, I didn't know your arm was busted up. I'm sorry! I have to admit, though, I did have this crazy dream of everyone who's still active on this site running a game over Skype. That'd be pretty sick...
Yeeeeaaaah I did a real number on it, though I'm well and truly on the way up now, but yeeeesh does it eat up a lot of my day working on all my exercises. A game with all the SWAG folk would be BRILLIANT though, man. I mean, Skype would 'do' but imagine if it were all in person?
And Talon - I totally get what you're saying! I actually started out in the world of RP purely text based and completely freeform, and was incredibly fond of the stories I made with friends that way. But I've really really grown to appreciate tabletop, and specificaly the use of dice, to bring elements of randomness and a real 'edge' to the experience. Not everyone who RPs feels this way I know, but I absolutely love it when I can't be sure of what lies in store ahead, or even if a risky action my character takes is going to succeed.
That WOULD be awesome, accept... Drop bears... *Shudders*
No, but in all seriousness, I really can't afford to travel that much.
You've only got to worry about drop bears seasonally, come at the right time of year and most areas are reasonably safe!
But, oh man do I ever feel you. I always assume most folk are US based, so I feel like the burden of travel would be on me if I ever truly wanted to gun for a group meetup/gaming session! Never got to see as much of the states as I'd have liked when I visited, but I definitely hope to go again some day. When I'm not so poor. :P Hopefully work doesn't force me to use up all my long service leave before I'm ready to travel again!!
pardon me, fellow Star Wars fan. Oops.
Welcome to the group. :D