Pirate Captain - Cartoon Style This is a savage Pirate Captain. Xanamiar Good to see you doing more, Sith... Sithsherald Thank you. I have a few more to post to finish up the cartoon versions I did in '13, and then I will have some new pieces ready to go. Sithsherald Member since: 2007 Location Corcoran, MN, USA Tags Portrait Human Male Pirate Character More from Sithsherald
Sithsherald Thank you. I have a few more to post to finish up the cartoon versions I did in '13, and then I will have some new pieces ready to go.
Good to see you doing more, Sith...
Thank you. I have a few more to post to finish up the cartoon versions I did in '13, and then I will have some new pieces ready to go.