A note about blogs


Member since: 2013
Oklahoma City

SWAG has always lacked a "Work in Progress" area. To rectify this situation I've give you all the ability to upload images with your blogs. These can essentially function like a nice area where you can talk about not just what's going on with you, but also a space for you to upload the things your working on that aren't ready to be committed to the main swag gallery.

With this in mind, I'm going to share some of my own work as of late. Many of you know that Jeff Carlisle (Lupis the Bold) designed the original publications of the clawcraft that were in Star Wars Gamer #5. Over the course of time the two of us have refined this design significantly (by "us" I mean him mostly). Anyway, the images that follow are my model work based off of his concept sketches. There's a lot more work to do, especially around the cockpit. I'm hoping to get a significant amount of this done during Gencon. Seems everything is revolving around Gencon this year. Let me know what you think.




Cool, not that I ever felt like blogging myself... but seenig someeone elses wip will be as exciting, i think...

Ohh... nice clawcraft too... maybe taper the wings slightly? make them a bit thinner toward the outer edges...