Sith Illustrator 4th class Drawing on the Power of the Dark Side. My selfie continues....Great power comes from the dark side. But with a cost. You will never finish a drawing again! Bwahahahaha. Lord Crumb He is truly evil looking and really cool! Wonderduck Fantastic :) Judas HaHa! Love it! Kasni Awesome! Love the pen and lightning! dredwulf60 Drawing on the dark DRAWING. :) Love it. Forever will it dominate your destiny...consume you, it will! Casca1967 Member since: 2008 Location Newark Ohio More from Casca1967
dredwulf60 Drawing on the dark DRAWING. :) Love it. Forever will it dominate your destiny...consume you, it will!
He is truly evil looking and really cool!
Fantastic :)
HaHa! Love it!
Awesome! Love the pen and lightning!
Drawing on the dark DRAWING. :) Love it.
Forever will it dominate your destiny...consume you, it will!