Jedi Battles a Sith This is another piece I did for fun when I heard that Bioware was making Star Wars: The Old Republic. Xanamiar I love the light effects on the glass, very nice. Also like the setting and the statues. Very good work. Asok I love the color, the ambiance, the feel of it. Perfect! Boshuda Lord Crumb What else can I add that the others haven't said. It is simply amazing. -LC CocoaBean The lightsabers really stand out, and looks really good with the green and black background. Mercy Dude, heads-up;… Don't know if you know about this, but it would be good to get a credit to your name at least! JasonRoll Member since: 2008 Location Indianapolis Tags Landscape More from JasonRoll
Xanamiar I love the light effects on the glass, very nice. Also like the setting and the statues. Very good work.
CocoaBean The lightsabers really stand out, and looks really good with the green and black background.
Mercy Dude, heads-up;… Don't know if you know about this, but it would be good to get a credit to your name at least!
I love the light effects on the glass, very nice. Also like the setting and the statues. Very good work.
I love the color, the ambiance, the feel of it. Perfect!
What else can I add that the others haven't said. It is simply amazing.
The lightsabers really stand out, and looks really good with the green and black background.
Dude, heads-up;…
Don't know if you know about this, but it would be good to get a credit to your name at least!