Adar HaeDoron, Ithorian Martial Artist
Ithorian martial arts initiate as requested by Lanin. I received a new tablet from one of my former SWRPG players, Chris, who had an extra lying about in storage. So, I tested it out by taking on this request. I didn't really sign this piece, it was my son Irfan who also wanted to play with the tablet. Media: Painter Classic, touchups on Ye Olde Photoshoppe.
The "Bruce Lee" of the Ithorian world. "Hiya, judo chop"
I like the stance and the feel of the character.
-LCT :-)
Dang, son, that was fast!
Shadowfax, show them the meaning of haste!
Looks good, I love the pose and the toony style.
I like the coloring style..."toony" as Asok said ;)
I like the single dark line thing. Makes the figure pop out at'cha.
That's a cool Ithorian! i like the color selection :)
العاب لعبة games العاب الحماية من الفيروسات برنامج الترجوان والفيروسات بلاك بيري مستشار الامن لشركة مايكروسوفت العاب بنات العاب بنات لك شاشة ثيمات الماسنجر العربي ماسنجر سيدات سيدات العاب اطفال برامج للتحميل برامج ويندوز اكسير ويندوز اكسير برامج وتطبيقات متعددة للعديد من انواع الحماية برامج مجانية
Thanks man. This is almost exactly how I had pictured Adar, although the Dagger is a welcome addition. Definitely looks the part of wandering Monk-type adventurer. Thanks again.