I just signed up on Deviantart.

Lord Crumb

Member since: 2007
Nettleton, Mississippi

I just signed up on Deviantart. Now, I will admit that I am no artist but I do like to look around at the artwork. My name there is: Crumb662. Evidently someone has already taken "Lord Crumb" on the site so I had to come up with something else. Hope to see y'all around on Deviantart and here on SWAG as well.

Just a bit of trival info. Most of my friends were art majors and so was one of my roommates. My personal opinion is that artist look at the world with a fifteen degree tilt. My former roommate Rob use to quote that a lot. It stuck with me all this years. Man, I feeling old at the moment.

-LC :-)


I totally agree, LC!! Great quote too!

I've just signed up, myself - MercySW (geek much??)