

Profile picture for user DragonFox
Cedar Key, Florida

In 2002-2003, I was introduced to the wonderful world of Table Top RPGs, via a little game called Dungeons & Dragons (3.0 ruleset). Later on, I got my own D&D books (3.5 ruleset), and have continued to get Dungeons & Dragons sourcebooks since. When I discovered Star Wars RPG, I eagerly picked up a copy, learned the rules and began collecting the sourcebooks. When the rules were updated I updated the book, continued collecting the sourcebooks and now have finished one campaign and began another. When Saga was announced, I was eager and yet reserved, not sure how this new rule set would make the game better. After picking up a book for myself and sending a copy to a good friend of mine, we both found it easy to learn, easy to use and now run our campaigns in Saga Edition. I hope to beable to pick up D&D 4th Ed. when it is released later this year.

Dragon Fox III