You ever think about my Wookiee Knickers? [Request]

Deeeor, soldier/damagesponge/comic relief wookiee. In knickers. Carrying six suits of stormy armour.

A request from swrpggm that I just couldn't pass up, because I'm all about supporting the absurdity that happens sometimes in-game!! Hope you like it, man.


No, he just thought they'd come in handy. Lol
Thanks so much Tusserk. I cannot wait to show him this. Those knickers are really something.

The GM knows the will of the force.


Also that's almost exactly what I imagined it would look like to haul around all that stormie armor. Lol.

The GM knows the will of the force.


I'd love to hear the player's reaction, GM! :D Haha, I'm glad you like it, this guy was fun to do. I, ahem, tried a few different pairs of knickers on him but just kept going back to the pink... it SUITS him, darn it!! (Though the tie-dye was pretty funny too, albeit so visually distracting I couldn't handle leaving it there. XD)


Showed this to the party tonight. They LOVED it. Lots of laughs. Guy who played him moved away, but I will be mailing him a copy. I'll post his comments. ;)

The GM knows the will of the force.


Showed this to the party tonight. They LOVED it! Lots of laughs. Loved everything about it. The actual player of the character moved away a while back, but I'll be mailing him a copy. Will post his comments. :)

The GM knows the will of the force.


Hah, awesome!! :D Glad to hear it got some laughs, I mean that was the goal after all. Mwahaha. I totally look forward to hearing what Mr. Wookiee Knickers himself has to say.


Mr. Wookiee knickers received his copy of the picture in the mail. He called me immediately. Lol. He was really curious as to where I got such a perfect picture, and when I explained to him he was quite pleased. He was especially amused by the backpack full of stormie armor, great big belly laugh. Also he asked "how did she know that I am clad in pink knickers at all times?" Lol. He's hanging it on his wall in his apartment. :) home run Tusserk. Thanks again.

The GM knows the will of the force.


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