Krolan Niimund

Krolan Niimund is an Aquavian of the planet Mantithea. The Aquavians, who are fierce isolationists, began a "Galactic Emmisary" program in an attempt to learn more about the rest of the galaxy.

Krolann Niimund was one of the first Emmisaries sent forth form Mantithea. Their task is not to open relations with other governments, but to immerse themselves in everyday life, always learning how other beings function.

Krolan has served as a cook, a dock worker, and office clerk and most recently, as a pirate aboard the Min's Wind.

Aquavians are highly skilled vibrobladesmiths. Krolan is also an excellent swordsman and proudly carries his blade wherever he goes.




Wow. You've got tons of stuff coming in. This one's pretty cool, but my favorites are Lt. Beroodo and Atticus Range -- nice pen work, especially on the former.

One suggestion I can make is to watch your proportions. For some of the pieces you've posted, the lower body seems to be a little too short and the torsos a little too large. Overall, great work though. Looking forward to seeing these with the shading, highlights, etc.

- Gith


Thanks for the comments. On the proportions, if you are referring to the Aquavian and the Dran Shukkan pieces, that is intentional. Just part of their alien physiology. I'll take another look at some of the others to make sure they fit.


...if you are referring to the Aquavian and the Dran Shukkan pieces, that is intentional. Just part of their alien physiology.

Ah. Makes much more sense to me now. Thanks for the clarification, Sithsherald.

- Gith