Human/ Zabrak female padawan tech


Member since: 2008
Newark Ohio

Working out a pose for this 15-16 year old. 20=25 year old would have been a whole 'nuther story. Waiting to go to the blob of color phase until I get a go or no-go from Anarchangle. I like the request. Just want it to be right for the person who will receive it.

OK, so I got a message. I went forward without a formal go ahead, but I get so excited when things are going well afraid to stop to long with my attention span. Going to keep this one updated to show progress though.



It looks great!

Sorry about not giving you the official go ahead. I didn't see this thread before I replied to your message.


Been working long days and playing ME3 till the wee hours of the morning...still doodling though. And remembered to widen this time.


I am pouring all the cuteness I never draw into this Squib...aka Bunnysquirlchinchillamonkey. Only way for me to make it cuter is if it poops valentine day hart candy, smells like lilacs and sounds like a cross between a baby giggle and a 2 year old saying I love you mommy. Wait for the over sized feet and new tail placement


Ok...get off work in 3.5 hours and am off for a couple....will finish over the next few days...really, honest and for true. Plus Mass effect is getting boreing. lol


ok. been up for a couple of hours and been working on the shoulder. little worried about the hands and ear. also a bit concerned with the tattoo. if Anarchangle has an idea of what the players idea of what it is i would be happy to make that change.


Well from what her player says of the tattoo, I always imagined it to be more of a simple, solid block of colour rather than any real kind of design but personally I think the way you've done it looks awesome and I think she'll like it. The other thing I noticed is that its over the wrong eye but that's nothing that can't be fixed simply by flipping the image.

Other than that it looks great.


The details on this piece are just amazing. I don't know how you get that level of realism!



Asok...I draw with a canvas set at 26 inches by 44 inches.....zoom in alot, draw ,pan out, cuss make changes and bother the hell out of my GF with " does this look alright?". Thank you for the comment. If it were in color it would look all cartoony. For years I worked only with Bic .5 clicky pencils. This is more familiar.

Sorry I missed your comment...I must have been typing the one I posted right after...I type slow and have to word check a lot.


Got it. Moved tat to other eye..can't believe I did that. Wanted to show one thing in color and the solid blue tattoo worked well so am going with that. Spent all day on this and it sure felt like I covered more ground than I did. And my scope is bent..not as bad as at first but still. Added wispy hair to the squib to make it look more alien. The Squib's lower foot will be pushing off and will explain all the wrinkles more.

Ditched the big Earthy. Gonna borrow the equipment book and see what I can arrange to be in the tool belt. Also need the hanging computer thingy to look less Star Trek. I am wide open for suggestions there. going to redo the tail so you see it hanging down and may bring it forward. Probably some 1 legged chaps for the left leg and a sash on the left. I had lengthened it to include the lower legs but will more than likely opt out of that for the more detail of the knee up approach. Happy so far though.


After doing so much on the clothing...the next one is naked. Dang. I did this once with a dragon I did for a local Tattooist, Put so much detail into one section that I was then required to do tons of little details so the whole thing looked right. real close to done here though. Sorry I have been so slow lately.