Steadfast-class point defense station
An out-of-the-gate attempt by VenteX Yards to impress the GAR with an easily mass-produceable station that could be used for monitoring purposes. They cost only 25,000 cR to produce, and, at only 11 meters wide and 17 meters tall, they could be disassembled and stored in the hangar bay of even small capital ships. However, these strong points were far outweighed by the vessel's weak points, few of which were ever revealed in advertising, and almost all of which were a direct result of VenteX's cost cutting. For starters, the vessel posessed no shields and very little armor. Instead of outfitting the unit with a professionally made blaster cannon, VenteX, a shipyard by trade, attempted to build their own cannon housing compatable with a blaster similar to the ones used on early TIE fighters. The resultant monstrosity was difficult to use, with a tendancy to accumulate debris withing the ball bearings of the turret, limiting its rotation capability. Additionally, in an effort to make the craft as small as possible, the ceiling height withing each of the three decks was only 2 meters, meaning taller beings had to crouch to traverse them. The life support and artificial gravity systems were sub-standard, and the geosyncratic stabilizers were actually salvaged from a much smaller model of un-manned satellite. Numerous other troublesome or just plain inconvenient flaws plagued the station, including an extremely cramped turbolift and the lack of a proper docking collar. As a result, they saw pathetic sales. The only production run lasted less than a year, and out of the original 200 units comissioned, only 14 were ever built, with these being sold off to planetary governments as well as the Sector Rangers. By the time the Empire rose to power, fewer than half a dozen of these stations were rumored to exist, forgotten relics orbiting around back-water planets, frequently squatted by transients and fugitives...
Why did the little guy fall out of the ship?
Don't worry about him, he's just here for comparison....
Why is he falling instead of standing? :) .. I"m just messing with you by the way :)
Since because reasons.