Ohm Trebor Ohm Trebor, an exiled Skakoan left stranded on a cold ice planet among ancient ruins. He keeps himself company with an array of strange droid "friends". dredwulf60 Man, I love your colouring in this one. Great use of 'cool' tones to bring off the feeling of the piece. Bwa. Ohoho. Heee's sooo eeevilll...and I 'gree with dred. Asok Member since: 2007 Location New Jersey, United States Tags Portrait Male Character Alien More from Asok
dredwulf60 Man, I love your colouring in this one. Great use of 'cool' tones to bring off the feeling of the piece.
Man, I love your colouring in this one. Great use of 'cool' tones to bring off the feeling of the piece.
Ohoho. Heee's sooo eeevilll...and I 'gree with dred.