Mysterious Mandalorian
Utilizing the most potent toxins and an uncanny knowledge of pharmaceutical effects on sentient beings, this nameless killer has earned many names throughout the galaxy, from the "Dark Destroyer" to "Dr. Deathsmoke."
If only they would spend their time figuring out how to stop him rather than coming up with dorky names, eh?
Heh, a Mando's always cool! :D
Very nice job, I really like the pose and the colors! Only the T-bar of the visor is too thick, makes him kinda looks less intimidating.
But save for that, awesomely done!
A nice piece, but *I* don't like the colours. Can't please 'em all I guess! :P
Great pose, man. If I ran the game with this guy he'll be eventually discovered by the PCs to be a pack of cutesy-wutesy (but homicidal) Bilars, bunched together in that suit.
Hishgraphics: A View From The Tenth Freaking Floor
LOL! I'd pay money to see that reveal!
Thanks guys!
Yeah, in the game he really was a stooge, and lasted maybe half the adventure.
Only the T-bar of the visor is too thick, makes him kinda looks less intimidating.
That's kind of the idea. This guy was a good example of the role of Mandalorians in my campaign. Perhaps I'll draw another picture one day, to further express my interest in Mandalorians...