Judas & Mercy FTW!


Member since: 2007

About 1200 years before the events in A New Hope..........

Cullen Stillwater(pictured), a Jedi Padawan who is sadly weak in the Force, crashes on a planet that has been cut off from the rest of the galaxy since before the formation of the Republic and the Jedi. He's captured, sold into slavery, and forced to fight arena battles. That's where he meets Graxxon Truk (also pictured) and the two form a plan to escape their bonds and depose the corrupt government that has enslaved the world.

Original sketch by Judas!
Stay tuned to the colour by Mercy!



... O.O ...

Wow, I have work characters like these into my upcoming campaign, they're just too awesome. Is Graxxon a Gammorean?


Graxxon Truk (son of Graxxon Thul, son of Graxxon Ondo) is a Ruhdd, one of the indigenous races of the planet Oa. When I designed him I DID borrow heavily from both Gammoreans and the Gorax (remember him, kids?)

That said, I still haven't decided how or where to post the full story this pic comes from. So until then I'll just answer story questions here while Mercy makes it all beautiful.


Oh, yes. I needed something somewhat outside the usual Star Wars universe. That way I could do whatever I wanted. This was originally for a comic I was trying to put together, but I got lazy.
Anyway, the whole planetary system is inside a sort of nebula and had been forgotten by the rest of the galaxy. Yeah, I know that's NEVER been done before.....


OMG, this background took WAY too long!
Plus it's shamelessly plagurised from the Arena in Oblivion...

But I'm still kinda pleased with the end result.


Star Wars geeks are slowly advancing, Thespius! Isnt it awesome?!!

nice backdrop Mercy! And it really fits with Judas's pic


"Life is to be lived, not prearranged," Luke Skywalker...


Can someone explain to me what FTW stands for? Its Everywhere.


"Life is to be lived, not prearranged," Luke Skywalker...


I remember saying something about Mercy colouring one of my pics.....but I can't recall what exactly prompted it.


FTW is For The Win! It stands for the last successful point in a game that pushes your team to victory. So if a picture was FTW that means that it was the last point before reaching total and complete utter victory and glee!


I thought that in SWAG terms FTW stood for "Five Ton Wookiee" or "Free The Wampa" or ..uh .. "Free Taquito Wednesdays".


Fantastic Telekinetic Whale?
Fur Trapping Wendigo?
Flinging Tektonic Walnuts?
Fiery Technological Wildebeast?


Dude, you spent WAY too much time thinking about these!!
(Feed Ten Warriors... Find the Willie?)


Okay guys, I'm in a quandry here...
I can't decide which colour scheme to go with for Cullen's attire!

I worry that the mauve colour scheme is leaning towards that sith obsession with red... At this point I think I like the last one most - but I just don't know!!


Wow! I like them all. I really couldn't decide.
I do like the yellow/gold highlights on the first one.

(Flirty Tahitian Women....Faux-Tusked Walrus)


So the running count is...
#1: Judas and Xan
#2: Thespius and Michael
#3: me

Anyone else?


Also, Truk's colours look exactly the way I would have imagined, y'know, if I thought in colour.

(French Toast War)


Never in my wildest imaginings had I hoped that I could draw something and have someone make it that AWESOME!!!!!

You rock, Mercy!


Judas, you say such lovely things!!
Hey, it was really fun working with you man! We totally have to do this again - you rock!

(Furry Tailed Wambat)


Awww. Now I'm all blushy:p
Heck, Mercy, I've got literally dozens of SW pics that are unfinished simply because I'm afraid to ink them. Maybe I'll shoot some your way and see what you think.

(Floating Turkey Widgets)