Lord Cygnus
Member since: 2012Location
Oklahoma City
Hey Everyone, I am still working on the neuropathy (numbness and damage to nerves) in my hands.A friend of mine that I've known since before kindergarten (yeah we go back a long ways!) use to do artwork together. I did the pencil work while he supplied these wonderful inks and amazing colors. He and I got to talk the other day and thought in might be fun to do a few pieces together. So falling back to my old elementary school cartooning style (that has evolved slightly over the years) I did my part of one last night, which I was so pleased with that I wanted to share it with my friends here on SWAG. So please feel free to add your comments and critiquing if you like.
Oh Dude!, That looks Great! I'm so sorry about the neuropathy, but by the looks of it, it's not holding you back. I hope this encourages you to keep working, because I think the work is great.
Thanks Eclipse,
Yes, what you had to say was highly encouraging and meant a great deal to me.
Thank You Again,
~Lord Cygnus