Rixx Madell

Rixx Madell is everything you would surmise when thinking of the term “Professional Soldier/Mercenary”. He is a weapons expert, trained in survival under harsh conditions and a quick thinking tactician in the field. Cooly calculating and making decisions when needed he nevertheless is a good companion and nice person, though he'd never admit.
He's not a man of many words, his diplomatic approaches tend to be rather aggressive and direct but still he values a Code of Honour and is very loyal. He and Jolan Korso know each other for quite some time and are quite similar characters but still Rixx Madell is the more impulsive one of both. “To do the right things” and “to do things right” is his motto and the longer he is forced to not take action, the more indignant he becomes.

Medium: Water Colours and Coloured Pencils


Member since: 2007
Berlin, Germany
