Amidala the Air Speeder racer

This character has an interesting backstory. However much of her story is that of her father. He managed Project Decoy for the Rebellion before it was stolen by black sun. The drawing is that of his daughter Amidala. Amidala was named after the Queen of Naboo. Her mother was from Naboo and the father was from Corellia. She grew up on a space station known as Avalon in the Outer Rim. She never understood the things that went on around her. Never understood her father was a member of the Rebellion in charge of a project so secret it was meant to lead to the replacement of The Emperor Vader and other key Imperial Officials with Human Replica Droids. Amidala grew up on this space station surrounded by smugglers and other transport pilots. She loved flying and loved speed. Her thrill of speed lead her to become an airspeeder racer. However despite being an expert pilot she was killed when she crashed into a natural cliff face on Tatooine during one of her races. Her father missed the race because he was busy trying to track down the criminals who stole Project Decoy. Little did he know Black Sun was behind the stolen plans. Her father became obsessed with the search for Project Decoy because he could not handle the loss of his daughter. He wanted to bring her back by creating a Human Replica Droid of her. After years of searching he discovered Dr Simonelle. Or should I say Simonelle found him. For after creating Guri for Xisor Simonelle faked his death and went into hiding. He felt sorry for Amidala's father as a result he constructed Amidala the Human Replica Droid. She had kept a detailed diary and he used it to program all of her memories. The Droid does not know that she is even a droid. Kind of twisted.