Where, oh where, has Judas gone?


Member since: 2007
Remus, Michigan USA

Hey, guys and gals! I've been absent for a bit and just wanted to drop by and say "Hi!".


So, here's the scoop, the skinny, the 411, the fresh wave, the .... er .... other cool slang term for "what's going on".
First: My computer dies. Yup. Just up and quits. Every single piece of finished art I possess is now nothing more than an electronic memory. My pal what knows computers says I should have "backed-up" my files. Whatever that means. I think he's making stuff up to try and sound smart.
Next: I just moved. Again. And all my art stuff ( pens, pencils, markers, sketch books, etc) got caught outside in a massive rainstorm. All of my hardcopy is toast. Everything I've ever even doodled is gone. Swag comic? Gone. Next three Howdy Jawa strips? Gone. Six nearly full sketchbooks of "ready-to-scan"? Mulch!
As I'm sure you can all imagine it was quite a blow.
But I bought a new sketchbook and ordered a new Tombow. My wifes iPad can connect wirelessly to my scanner. So as soon as the baby sleeps I'll be starting back up again.
Oh yeah! New baby in there too. Forgot that you guys aren't all on my FB list. Seven months old.
Anyway, hope to be back soon.


You can still recover your files from your computer hard drive.  All you have to do is plug it into a different computer.  Unless the Hard Drive is completely toasted, you can almost ALWAYS recover info off them.


Well then. Fingers crossed.
Now to begin the 3 month wait until I can afford a new computer. lol


Oh my gosh, dude. D: To lose the computer is distressing enough, but the sketchbooks as well....!! I can't even imagine. I guess I just hope it was only your art stuff ('only' your art stuff, what a horrible phrase!!) that got caught out in the storm, and no other significant portion of your life was found lacking because of it. Fingers crossed for your hard drive, if there weren't oceans in the way I'd send my brother out to you. He works magic with machines.

As it is, so good to hear from you... hope you and the family are otherwise super well and livin' it up at your new location! Australia-hugs. :D


Dude! That's unbelievable! I'm glad (and relatively amazed) that you haven't let all that get you down, and you're picking back up again. My computer died recently too, but I FINALLY got it working again!

Congrats on the tiny human too!


Oh, it got me down, alright. I just drew my first pic in over a month. Now I gotta get it scanned and uploaded before it bursts into flames or something. Of course I also don't have internet at the moment......


Big stack of pics all set to go. Still no way to scan them, though. Working on that bit. Get ready for the craziness! Oh yeah!


I have interwebz! I even have a loaner computer until I can get a new one. The only problem is that it's so old it runs on conjured demons instead of electricity. Also, the monitor is questionable, so you will all have to forgive me for any issues that are "scan quality related" for the moment. I can hardly see my images:P


I'm questioning whether I wouldn't rather a machine that runs on demon energy... it's likely to be about as reliable as any other machine I've ever seen and hey... no wires.

Let me re-orient the priorities here:

CONGRATS ON THE KID!!! Holy cow man, that's completely awesome! Boy or girl? I love my kids so much and being dad is such a huge huge change. I've still not figured out how to fit art back into my life between work and family. My hobbies resemble my work a little too closely for most people's comfort and it's been like 3 years since I even cracked open my 3d modeling environment.

I am SO SORRY about the sketch books... that would crush me. I hope you can recover your hard drive and I also hope this ends up being a new beginning of sorts for you. It's hard to take something that is on this scale and make it a good thing, but I hope you find a way. Your art has always brought a smile to my face and I love seeing new stuff from you.

Hope to see more of your work soon, and congrats on the move. I hope you're loving it.



Thanks, Eclipse.  I'll try to keep up the funny for everyone.

The new kiddo is a girl.  My son and I are officially outnumbered 2/1.  Which also means my wife and I are outnumbered 2/1.  There is pretty much no equation in which I come out on the winning side.  Maybe if we go by height, but I'm sure that won't last forever.


Now my back-up computer died. I did get a brand new one, but I don't have photoshop or anything yet. grrr