Weequay Pirate [Drig]


Member since: 2007
Denton, TX, United States

Here's a request for an RPG character that I've recently been playing (shameless plug, on SW: Utopia, swu.xidus.net port 1138). The character is the First Mate in an upstart pirate group and is inspired by Skorge (I was playing a lot of Gears of War 2 when I made the character): http://www.addictgaming.com/images/Skorge2(2).jpg, http://www.freewebs.com/roadkillstudios/skorge1.jpg. Of course he doesn't use a chainsaw staff, but instead a pair of large serrated vibro-knives. Besides a talent for killing, he also has a small knack for cracking security systems and using demolitions. Below is the description is use for him, though naturally anything is up to artist's discretion:

At 190 centimeters in height, this creature is tall for his species and stands over most of the average-heighted denizens of the Galaxy. A Weequay, the man has a gnarled, leathery visage of brown, wrinkled flesh. Black eyes peer out from sunken sockets beneath thick eyebrows, and a small, flattened nose occasionally twitches from drawn-in air. Tight folds of wrinkled skin around the jaw-line complete his grizzled expression. The Weequay's head is bald, save for several dreadlocks of long hair. Totaling ten, each is brown and cinched tight at the end with a claw of the raquor'daan from Sriluur.
The Weequay is certainly muscular, though not bulky. Save for the brown, leathery skin, his body is like any other Human. Fitting in with his overall look, he is wearing various bits of leather armor across his body. A thick breastplate is worn over his chest and stomach, along with leather shoulder pads. A pair of short brown pants cover his legs, while a tattered and frayed kama, wrapped around the back of his waist, hangs to his knees. Leather thigh armor is strapped over each leg of the pants, providing further protection. Soft-soled shoes cover his feet, and knobby greaves and bracers cover each respective area of his body.
Lastly, the Weequay has a pair of scabbards strapped on each thigh. Long-bladed vibro-knives rest in each scabbard, and these seem to be the only armament the man carries.

He also carries a datapad and occasionally a small blaster, but those aren't mentioned above. That's basically it, so let me know if there are any questions. Thanks much.