SWRPG Campaign [Asok]

good morning folks. i've been a frequent viewer of this site and thought i'd just take a chance and make a request for a few characters my buddies and i use in our SWRPG games. there are four characters i'm going to describe but i don't necessarily need all of them, that's up to whoever volunteers.

our first character is a human male, Corellian jedi named Corvenous Talon. Though the player would never admit it, this character is very arrogant and proud of his own power. Oftentimes his pride in his ability makes him ignore the consequences of his actions, so he almost always ends up with a dark feeling. I sort of always imagine this guy as the blond headed guy who walks into a bar way overdressed and tries to be street cred but is so self absorbed and cosmopolitan that he never fits in, unless of course its a bar full of millionaire jedi. sort of like a male Aes Sedai, if you are familiar with Wheel of Time. The player always enjoys making his characters seem like they are all knowing and invincible, so any imagery that would relate to this would surely stoke his ego. i picture this guy wearing a dirty cloak that poorly hides his rich clothing and lightsaber, but thats up to you.

our second character is a male Gungan soldier. contrary to the imagery of typically Gungans, this guy is just plain tough. scars and maybe even a glazed over eye would be awesome, but again thats up to the artist. he never speaks very often and prefers killing things to working out issues. he is almost always guaranteed to fight and range and carry lots of demolitions material. his armor shouldn't be too encumbering since he prefers to do it sniper style. i imagine this guy as looking very dry and dark, grizzled but also capable of random acts of good-will. hes also very brave and a little ashamed of his gungan heritage.

thirdly, we have a Khil scoundrel. this guy pretty much fits the perfect stereotype of the star wars slicer/scoundrel. he loves to attack with guile and trickery rather than up front confrontation. he almost always carries a personal computer for hacking into systems. he is a practical joker and oftentimes his comrades fall victim to his plots. he has no hesitation in killing anyone, or even maiming them if that helps to further his end. though he is probably more self confident than our jedi even, he knows how to measure his own abilities and rarely does anything outlandish. free-wheeling, intelligent and complex pretty much sum up his other attributes. a skull cap or helmet of some sort would be cool on this guy for personal preference, but again i leave that up to you.

finally, there is a male duros scout. this guy's story is that he is an explorer/cartographer for a major industrial company from Duro. typically his fact finding missions allow him to bring along tourists as long as they are not too dangerous. he is a fellow fond of the outdoors and respectful of nature. he has great survival skills and often carries a carbine. his travels have gained him a wealth of knowledge and skills and this allows him to blend in with most crowds. he enjoys hunting on his various trips, though rarely keeps any souvenirs, save for a few large teeth he wears on his belt. happy-go-lucky and noble are good words to describe this guy. i like to imagine this guy wearing some dirty medium armor with an all weather type cloak. again i leave it up to the artist.

i know none of this is really much to go on, but hopefully its enough for one of you guys to get a picture and run with it. i really do appreciate it.
