Skathyn, Rebel Squib [Asok]

Name: Skathyn DeShaddaa
Gender: Male
Age: 12 (B: 15 BBY)
Species: Squib
Officially: Skorr II
True: Coruscant
Eye Color: Ice Blue
Fur Color;
Body: Snow White
Ears: Jet Black
Skin Color: Pale Black (Unseen)
Appearance: Skathyn wears black pants that end midway along his shins, he wears a shoulder plate from his father's specially crafted armour. His fur is longer at the back of his head, and looks like he has a hair thing going. He sports black goggles and a pair of headphones, usually blaring Heavy Isotope music.
Position: Unknown
Main Weapon: DC-15s side arm blaster
Alternative weapon: Vibro Knife


It's the music they listen to while on Illum in the Ice Caps and it's called Tope Music. Isotope Music? Hmmmm.. I don't even by that one.